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Everything posted by Eunia

  1. @Kboww congrats you won the shiny houndour! please message me when you can trade
  2. about 1 hour and 12 minutes left for bannette
  3. noted thank you!
  4. noted! thanks!
  5. Hi Refandra! I will do 700k ea! >:3
  6. noted thanks!
  7. 1.75m by Rumbleking
  8. min bid is 250k, current offer is already 1.5m for houndour by kboww
  9. easy win I guess lol Thanks Cosanostra! @ennemipublic!
  10. do the form creation winner only get a mount for winning...? I feel like the creator should get each of the forms with good ivs as well since its their creation?
  11. I never agreed to auction, I gave you a one time max offer for it on discord, the c.o. is not 1.2m this player just assumed/trying to take advantage of a previous offer.
  12. updated thanks!
  13. min bid is 200k
  14. Thank you Carlosvng!
  15. Made additions and made some edits!
  16. Thank you Deathwamp!
  17. Thank you for the starting bid @ennemipublic!
  18. Welcome to the auction for this Epic Mimikyu! Please take the time to read the information below! Thank you and good luck to all participants! Auction is LIVE! The auction will go on for 48 hours and will end at 5h:20m:41s PM on Oct. 6th Pacific Standard Time! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ ~* BIDDING INFO *~ Starting Bid - 2m @ennemipublic Minimum Bid - 200k Instant Win Bid - 5m ~* ACCEPTED CURRENCIES *~ Poke Dollars Reroll Ticket - 650k Nature Reroll - 325k Coin Capsule - 400k ~* RULES / INFO *~ * Auction ends 48 hours after the first bid is made (Pacific Standard Time!) * * Remember that this is a Gold Server Auction! * * If a bid is made at the last minute of auction duration, 15 additional minutes will be added * * Only make valid bids on this auction post, any troll/false posts will be reported! * * Forum Auction Rules * ~* CONTACT *~ IGN - Seoulmate Discord - Seoulmate#0549
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