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Posts posted by Tymerod

  1. 161471
    161464 Being able to ignore certain players from PMing you is a better idea. Some kind of ignore list. So you can ignore these kind of people.

    To my experience ignoring people is not a good idea, sometimes the same people you ignore are the ones that will make you the most profit later on.


    If i get an offer "in range" of the b.o. (i normally dont make them public) i will tell the b.o. to them and they are participant of the auction. If some1 offers me 20k while the b.o. is 150k+ there is no reason to force the trade with those people. I will answer with a single "no" and close the pm, but most of them will spam me afterwards.

    My goal is to sell my pokes to players making fair offers in the first place and not to milk some1

  2. ...

    Shop sellers buy x amount of stuff and hope to sell that for ingame dollars if that becomes harder because less and less items are bought because of the increased prices they will stop donating as they will look for other means of a income.



    if reselling exp-boost and ms is an issue wouldnt it be an easy fix to implement a selling counter on those items? Like the one bought it from the shop can sell it, but noone else?

  3. 157601 I wonder why staff does not invest hard on this game, no crashes, more scripters, this game will provide WAY more income than your current jobs if snowball'd properly.


    u miss the "nintendo owns the content thing and they will milk everyone trying to make money out of their content". And in a lot of countries u are allowed to run games like PRO legally in case u dont make any money

  4. 133258 Ye I found the first 8 badges rather easy, apart from Sabrina, she was HORRIBLE. I could not beat her for like 10 tries until someone said to take a dark move/pokemon. And then she so easy. Ye they would be with those levels but good job. I had 90s when I done it so was really easy. Johto E4 was SO hard for me. :( only done it yesterday. Just.


    there is always a trick to hard npc's/gyms/e4. I used a single butterfree with compound eyes+quiver dance+bugg buzz+psybeam and one hyper potion.

    a lot of players just undervalue gameknowlegde. Than they get mad because they need to invest money or time to compensate it.

  5. as u proceed with the story u get access to "membership" pokemons at other areas (for exampls u can find shinx at route 39 johto at night). Yes u dont get all pokemons as a non member right now, but (i'm sure) this will change as more maps get implemented.



    and u can buy membership with ingame-money

  6. What do u expect from mmo's? They are always about grinding/time investment or p2w (which is worse). Where is the challenge if u get all for nothing?


    - have u considered lvling in seafoam b4f?

    - Did u evo your pokes? Base pokemons need less XP to lvl up

    - lvl 60 are the pokemons at the best lvl spot right now (Cerulean Cave). Getting to lvl 100 is pretty easy there

    - u get your kanto pokes back after u finished 8th gym in johto --> u can use them for johto e4


    - u will appreciate the grinded money because u need 200k for dragon club in johto

  7. I dont think it is possible to calculate the prices. There are just too many individual variables like personal preferences, moves/abilities/items available, how many poke you already own, how much money is on the server/do u have, rarity/lvl(evo state)/ev-training of pokemons. and the list goes on.


    The rating part. It's not too hard to include abilities, nature and value+priority of IV's in a rating system. Made one for myself 3 months ago. I never considered it to post it on the forum because u need to gain more knowlegde before u can actually use it (guess what its more complex). On the other hand u probably need to invest that time anyway if u wanna be "succesful" in pvp. So if u want me to post it, i will (need to translate it first and add some explanations).

  8. there is a reason why they made a new server. It was build to allow new players to start without a big disadvantage. A connection between the servers would allow old players from red to transfer their pokes to the new server and kill the idea of a fresh start for everyone.



    the only thing they should implement is a "cable room" for fighting between servers if there is a tournament.

  9. 115509 hi why not fight me lance in dragon den ?


    lance say : im sorry but you dont look strong enough for me to consider battling come back once you've trained some more


    ps:icant dfeat elite 4 johto


    if a NPC says "u are not strong enough" u need stronger Pokemon (e.g. 6x lvl 100 in most cases) if its "you are not ready" you have to wait some days

  10. 111444 When was the server cap last upgraded? There seems to be a larger player base than 1,900 that is trying to log-in daily. Could try to figure out how many players wait in queue (track the total players connected to the server in queue) to find out how large of a cap you need and increase it to that number. Doing this would decrease the wait time for queue or completely avoid the queue completely. I do understand players fluctuate on time zones the number wont be perfect. About an 45 minutes ago my position in queue was 1061 and now it's 327, It probably wouldn't hurt for a 100 cap increase like SViper mentioned above.


    If i remember correctly the last increase was from 1850->1900 not long ago. And a higher cap will only help if the total number of players isnt increasing. Else it will only result in more players and the number of players in the queue will stay the same.

    All should consider this. The increase in players because of a streamer might just be temporary since streamers switch games pretty regularly to avoid bored viewers and viewers will switch too.

  11. 111307

    We are users here, no customers. The difference is that we dont have any right to demand any services! Staff have built this game because they doing it for fun, they are not dependent from us. They dont need to expand the server capacity or improve the game in any kind of way if they do not want to. But they are doing it because they have fun to give us a wonderful game!


    I wish there was an upvote system.

  12. 111132 CC or other staffs could help your trade evolution. Other than that as stated above friend, guild, and probably some old folks at chats.

    In pre caution, always screenshot the trade before accepting it, it could help you retrieve yours back by reporting to us when you get a scam.

    This or u can create a second account. Then use 32-bit and 64-bit Client to open 2 Clients. Downside is the additional time investment but u can trade your story pokes to make it faster.

  13. 96406 Quagsires unaware does not work and it currently cannot learn recover. Otherwise it would be super strong.


    Quagsire is able to learn recover since egg moves are implemented!!! It is one of the best counters to rain teams with water absorb because of the immunity to electric and only one weakness to grass

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