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Everything posted by Soulvaki

  1. At least you didn't have your synch work FOR ONCE. And get awesome IVs only for the most important one to be low.
  2. Re: Memoire [international guild] Red and Blue server! <r><QUOTE author="MahatmaSepp"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="Megguido"><s> </e></QUOTE> You've both been accepted. Check your PM for more info. :)</r>
  3. Re: ✰Team Cosmic✰ "Recruiting" <t>Fixed. Move on. :)</t>
  4. Re: Memoire [international guild] Red and Blue server! <r><QUOTE author="MrShisha"><s> </e></QUOTE> <br/> Hey man! You've been accepted. I PM'd you some more information!</r>
  5. Welcome to PRO! [btw, Marcy, that yellow looks good on you! :D]
  6. Hi there! Welcome to PRO! :D
  7. Oh my gosh; I'm dying. Hahahaha.
  8. While we do have our fair share of stuck up people, most of the community is helpful. [at least on the Red server]. A good community polices itself. When people call you out for not following the rules, they're just trying to help you not get dealt with by the people who DO have the power to force it. This comes off as stuck up, but it's necessary for a community to not have to be policed constantly. If you're on my server, there's always someone available to help on help or all chat for any questions you have. People provide this without being staff - I don't think there's anything too wrong with the community once you realize why it's setup the way it is.
  9. Love your design. <3
  10. I'm stuck behind where Ralts is after changing maps by the bird keeper. It happened when I was going into the next map and changed my mind and tried to go backwards.
  11. I would be sad, but I've had some good memories so far so overall, a good mark on my life. <3 you guys.
  12. Possibly, but unlikely. I've fainted probably 150+ mankey and haven't found the hat so I gave up and went and just bought a green cap. :D
  13. If you can't get ahold of them, look for me in help chat. I've evolved over 50+ pokes for people in help chat and have people who could vouch. I enjoy helping. :)
  14. Thanks for the warm welcomes, guys! I feel the love. <3
  15. My mankey might be level 100 by the time I find it. :) I guess the person I talked to was just incredibly lucky to get it so fast..
  16. I think something is bugged with my quest. I've done all the steps required to trigger it and when I talk to him he says "Still haven't found it?" I've caught roughly 70 mankey and coveted 30 more and none have the hat. I talked to someone else and it only took them 1-2. Am I missing something here or is my quest bugged?
  17. I'm pretty sure every one of us have lost something due to a server crash. It's just part of the game currently so you're probably not going to get much sympathy.
  18. I'm curious as to if there's a requirement to use the mail system like there is to trade now.
  19. Re: Updated Dig Spots! *Informations, treasures and more" <r><QUOTE author="Arnie"><s> </e></QUOTE> Loving them!</r>
  20. Re: Memoire [international guild] Red and Blue server! <t>Thanks again, Raich!</t>
  21. I figured I'd finally make an introduction post. You can find me on the IRC channel everyday through the week. I love meeting new people so feel free to introduce yourself to me! A little about me: I'm 26 years old and have been playing Pokemon since I was in 5th grade. I'm married and just had my first kid a month ago! I'm a huge Chicago sports & food fan. I work in Marketing at a racing parts company so I'm always around a computer.
  22. Re: Memoire [international guild] Red and Blue server! <t>1. How many hours of gameplay do you have? 24 and increasing quickly. [On Red server]<br/> 2. Tell us a little about yourself. Been playing Pokemon since 5th grade, now I'm 27 on Saturday! I can't believe I didn't hear about this game sooner; it's been a blast!<br/> 3. Are you able to visit Discord? Yes<br/> 4. Are you going to be online daily? Yes. I'm always on the IRC during the day at work too. <br/> 5. What do you look for in a guild? I'm looking for a family, some help on parts I don't know about, hunters, and the social aspect of the game [which is what separates this game from the others]. <br/> 6. Are you a PvE or a PvP type of person? PvE, currently.</t>
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