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Everything posted by Soulvaki

  1. I would imagine it will be on a "per-server" basis since the servers aren't linked. Aka, each will have their own. They all have their own economy so I think it makes sense.
  2. Welcome! Glad you decided to give it a try. :)
  3. Hi there! Welcome to PRO! :) We're glad you're here!
  4. Re: Memoire [international guild] Red and Blue server! <r><QUOTE author="SPGW"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="iRedDragon"><s> </e></QUOTE> Check your PMs!</r>
  5. Welcome, Shak! You're close to my age. :D I hope you love your time here!
  6. welcome to PRO! See if you can find an answer here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=16
  7. hi there! Welcome to PRO! I hope you love your time here!
  8. Welcome to PRO! I hope you love your time here!
  9. Sorry, it is not possible to transfer characters between servers as they are on different boxes. Sorry about that. :\
  10. try hitting alt+enter and running in windowed mode. Any better?
  11. Ha! [Censored] lol ok this is a PRO thing... This is not official Nintendo rules hahaha... I mean everyone knows about the move list topic, but the exp fact is just wrong I'm sorry this is not Nintendo rules... Then again this is NOT Nintendo, but good to know this then... Thanks Ginnge :Crazy: This game isn't made by Nintendo.
  12. If you mean the chat seemed faster on your cousins, go to options. (hit escape). Game options. Increase the chat speed slider to max. Movement speed while walking would be the same. Did he have a bike and you don't? It very well good be a graphics issue. My brother's game feels much more sluggish than mine due to his highly underpowered PC.
  13. [bbvideo=560,315] [/bbvideo]
  14. I'm sure the staff appreciates reading things like this. :)
  15. Hello! Welcome to PRO! If you need help with a quest, take a look at the game guide section of the forums!
  16. Welcome to PRO! :) There is a whole section on the forum for new players like yourself with plenty of Game Guides. That is here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=89. I hope you enjoy your time!
  17. Almost inb4 this turned into a meme thread. Darn.
  18. Re: Memoire [international guild] Red and Blue server! <r><QUOTE author="minionbob"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="PandyBear"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="Nugosaurus"><s> </e></QUOTE><B><br/> <br/> <br/> You're all accepted as trial members. Check your PMs!</B></r>
  19. Hello there. :) Welcome to PRO! Please check out the game guides forum if you have any questions about how things work or how to complete quests! I hope you enjoy your time here!
  20. Welcome to the forums! I'm a fellow red player! You can usually find me in help chat. :)
  21. Welcome to PRO! I hope you throughly enjoy your time here!
  22. Hello! Welcome to PRO. Hope you're enjoying your time here! We have many guides available to you here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=89! :)
  23. Hello! Welcome to PRO! I hope you enjoy your time here! If you're playing Red server, feel free to add me and pm me if you see me! :)
  24. Hey man! Welcome to PRO. I see you're on Red server! Feel free to add me when we're both on at the same time with /friend soulvaki and pm me any questions you have. If you head to help chat, you'll probably find me there if I'm online! I hope you enjoy your time here!
  25. [bbvideo=560,315] [/bbvideo]
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