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Everything posted by Han1996

  1. for an h.a gothita you would have to farm alot^^
  2. the servers have crashed time to time due to an ddos attack. We have to wait until the staffs fix the problem^^
  3. Han1996

    1st time team

    one thing you should understand is that breloom needs spore 100% it allows him to sword dance safely and instead of facade rock tomb is better since it lowers the spd and also can deal with talonflames if switched. Also rocky helmet isnt in game and instead recover thunderbolt is better for starmie^^ but its your choice. Recover is for a more bulky starmie.
  4. i think we should add onen more rule. recently i met a guy with a blissey,ferrothorn,slowbro and other tanky pokes. This ruins the fun of pvp and is really annoying -.-
  5. hope it gets fixed soon :) :y: :y: and thank you staffs for working on it night and day
  6. i agree with you. The staffs aren't doing anything to regulate the MS price and this is very bad. Now people who joined recently can't buy a single MS. If the staffs want more people to join this game they should regulate the price. Also, I don't get the staff's logic they only say donate and be angry about the botters. However, 5$ is alot to some people and people like me (a child) can't buy one. I normaly have to spend time farming epic pokes and selling them for a high price and then buy the ms. Without MS there are too many disadvantages and I think this forces people to buy MS. Also, If i could give a suggestion i think a boss reward should be MS then more people would be able to get MS and the price will drop enabling people who just joined to be able to enjoy the benefits of MS.
  7. Re: GUILD ILLUSION RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Fun events upcoming} <t>guild thread has been updated :)</t>
  8. Stop. kissing. staff members. :confused: This is harassment I tell you noooooo kiss=love=love= :Heart:
  9. glad you opened your guild again :) :y: :y:
  10. i think you have to wait to battle the rocket trainer again
  11. Glad to see you've made an introduction, you're a chill guy :Shy: haha thanks :Heart:
  12. Re: Official Legendary Tournament Round Two: Registration. <r>im from blue server <br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/UMPRXcF.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> <br/> gmt-6</r>
  13. nice to meet you too kagawa. i love your banner ;)
  14. thanks mate :y: :y:
  15. thanks mate :y: :y:
  16. haha thanks revo :) i'll pm you when i need help in pvp :P
  17. *starts hhunting ot pokes like hell*
  18. thanks Shamac :Heart: :Heart:
  19. thanks :)
  20. Hello my name is Han (irl) and my ign is han1996. I'm a blue server person and I love pokemon <3 Charizard X and zorua are my favorite pokemon. I loved dragons since I was young. I'm 16 yrs old (the name is an illusion :P ) and love to play soccer and baseball as a hobby. I play league of legends and PRO most.
  21. thank you for all of the things you did for pro :)
  22. i think they are working at it atm. Its hard to code things. we have to thank them for everything they are doing for us ofc i know how hard is to code things and all , all iam saying its that isnt good to have official tourneys with this now xD ... haha thats true ^^
  23. i think they are working at it atm. Its hard to code things. we have to thank them for everything they are doing for us
  24. athey cant do anything, ifyou get a pokemon pls relog to save it
  25. it needs to be challenging or everyone will get an xmas. :) also the effort makes it worth it ;)
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