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Everything posted by Han1996

  1. i wish i knew greek :Smile:
  2. why do you mean by remember to bring Synchronise Pokemon? if you win the tournament you will get a shiny drillbur. They will spawn one for you. You need a syncronize poke to get the nature you want for the poke after^^
  3. all of the bosses work for me now :) Naero thank you :Heart:
  4. for bosses https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=9593 you need things^^ check this site out https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=9593
  5. Re: RUKittenMe??? ~Yellow server~ Recruiting /o/ <r>great guild <E>:Heart:</E> <E>:Heart:</E> <E>:Heart:</E></r>
  6. Han1996


    Re: - Signature Shop - *UPDATED* <r>Pokemon (other image):kakashi<br/> Text:HAN1996<br/> Other details/requests: (eg. size, colour...)-nothing <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  7. *joins* :Smile: :Smile:
  8. welcome ;)
  9. if possible wait for a reboot^^
  10. thank you for this awesoem guide :y:
  11. thank you :)
  12. I like that idea Bro :y: . on my side i'm a Guild Leader on the Yellow Server. and i assign my Co - Leader to do the some good idea to attach on our Guild Page on the Forum. when my Co -Leader hsa a good idea to attach on our Guild page he send it to me and i edit my self to our Guild Page :Nervous: i hope it will be possible to be do that Edit the Thread on Guild Page :Cool: thanks^^
  13. Hello, I just came up with this idea. What if co-leaders can also edit the thread the guild leader made. Then it would be more efficient. For example, if i assign a person a co leader he can edit the forum i made.
  14. Re: PRO Viability Rankings (PVP) v0.95.8 <r><E>:y:</E> <E>:y:</E></r>
  15. Re: Ω New Guild Blue Server - Team Plasma Recruiting Ω <t>N or should i say boruto ;) good luck with the guild. XD</t>
  16. i hope a forfeit button comes out soon
  17. good luck with the guild :y: can you give me that pokedollar? ;)
  18. hey lili gl with the guild^^
  19. enjoy the new events^^ and wait.
  20. Re: Akatsuki Showdown Tournament (Guild & Guild Friends) <t>woohoo gogogo( from blue server) *just spectates XD*</t>
  21. WELCOME TO PRO :y: :y:
  22. Re: 3º Torneo Interno *The Nabs* Latin Guild *Only Members* <t>good luck with the guild :)</t>
  23. did you find entei and raikou?
  24. welcome to PRO hope you enjoy this awesome game^^
  25. good luck^^ i've seen one person win to red. Hope you win him too^^
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