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Hi, anyone have recomendations for a mmorpg game for mac that is free and awesome ? Thanks!!!
Re: Reality recruiting-{Blue Server}-{Events upcoming and happening!!!} <t>thanks to all the members we have reached top 10 in the guild ladder!!!!We are still looking for active people \o/</t>
btw i dont know why we are talking about this again. I said i was chill about this issue.
750 minimal hours and dex requirement seems fine^^ since everyone can go at it in a fair way and for celebi its an awesome poke^^ and dedicated people deserved it but you also have mew before that ;) (its not like there is a bug that can get you all dex in 1 sec so i have nothing against) XD And also i like grinding (i farm for many pokemons shrug) and im ok with waiting but not a lot of time^^ like 1 month. And for the mmos you mentioned i think they have a reward system if a bug happens to make up and show they are sorry for the bug. Which means it turns out to be equalized, everyone is treated fairly.
750 minimal hours and dex requirement seems fine^^ since everyone can go at it in a fair way and for celebi its an awesome poke^^ and dedicated people deserved it but you also have mew before that ;) And also i like grinding (i farm for many pokemons shrug) and im ok with waiting but not a lot of time^^ like 1 month. And for the mmos you mentioned i think they have a reward system if a bug happens to make up and show they are sorry for the bug. Which means it turns out to be equalized, everyone is treated fairly.
Re: Johto dogs 1month max big problem <r><QUOTE author="JollyolNathan" post_id="386707" time="1494971152" user_id="669409"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> RNG isn't fair. It's random. I could argue that it's unfair that someone found a Pokemon with better IVs than me, even though they have less hours, and I'd be making the same point you made here.<br/> I mean, if you don't like grinding, waiting for cooldowns or getting unlucky; an MMO isn't the place you should be spending your time. Sure, some MMOs handle RNG differently but look at some of the huge MMOs; WoW, FF XIV, Destiny <SIZE size="85"><s></s>(Kinda)<e></e></SIZE>. Players can play for YEARS and still not get the item they want. A potential maximum of 4 cooldowns doesn't seem that bad when you put other games into perspective.<br/> I like a challenge, and I like there to be things that keep me looking forward to playing. <COLOR color="#FF0000"><s></s>-1<e></e></COLOR> <E>:n:</E><br/> <e> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> we are not talking about ivs here. We are talking about the effort needed to get the dogs cause you know that some people didnt need effort to get the dogs by using bugs. I wouldnt care if i got a low ived dog. Of course i would be jelous of others but i would be proud that i have a dog of my own. You say people can play for years and still not get the item they want. That is for all people. Now that is fair and when you say a pontential maximum of 4 cooldowns doesnt seem that bad because of other games, which games do you mean? and what do they have to relation? Last of all, we like challenges also but we like fair challenges^^ Peace out <E>:Cool:</E></r>
the tree in the middle has a bug or wrong mapping
Re: Reality recruiting-{Blue Server}-{Events upcoming and happening!!!} <t>bump we are looking for active and people who are ready to devote themselves</t>
Re: Reality recruiting-{Blue Server}-{Events upcoming and happening!!!} <t>bump.</t>
do you have the dex for the 3 dogs? (did you battle them to get their dex)
nice xd
Re: Johto dogs 1month max big problem <r><QUOTE author="Furtifk" post_id="385297" time="1494629594" user_id="264842"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> i would still have made this post cuz it cuts off fairness and also 1month is a long time man :/ be honest and i am a guy who [Censored] 90% acc play rough everytime :/<br/> <e> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Then why complain about this when talonflame before it was released in safari was pure luck based and the same unfairness as you talk about since it was base chance to get it daily from trees and h.a was even more rare?<br/> <e> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> because talon was and is given the same chance but the dogs werent</r>
Re: Johto dogs 1month max big problem <r><QUOTE author="Furtifk" post_id="385289" time="1494628729" user_id="264842"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> i would still have made this post cuz it cuts off fairness and also 1month is a long time man :/ be honest and i am a guy who pisses 90% acc play rough everytime :/</r>
Re: Johto dogs 1month max :sadpepe: <r><QUOTE author="LinCun" post_id="385091" time="1494595676" user_id="1245451"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Agree <E>:Crazy:</E> <br/> I even haven't had enough evolved mons for Celebi quest even > 1000h <E>:etc:</E><br/> <e> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> i still hope the suggestion gets trhough cuz many people wants it :/</r>
Re: Johto dogs 1month max :sadpepe: <r><QUOTE author="Thor" post_id="384814" time="1494546564" user_id="926592"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> how come? i thought this was a game that had fairness <E>:Cool:</E></r>
Hello, I would like to make this suggestion. Allowing poeple to talk to the guardian to spawn the dogs in shorter cooldowns. As we all know some people could get the dogs by spamming the boss "guardian" until it was fixed. However, some people didnt and if you are unlucky it will take you max 1 month to get your dog. Of course some people tell me or other people to wait 1 month. However, this is really unfair for 2 reasons. 1st everybody should have an equal status for playing the game. However, this breaks the fairness alot. 2nd Im jelly when people post their dogs in all chat and i think of my rng and of the long 1 month. Therefore i suggest this idea. The boss guardian should be able to talked and spawn the dogs. He will battle you or nt battle you but the cooldowns for battle is much shorter. Furthermore, after you get your dog cooldowns will be turned into normal=12days. I hope this idea gets implemented for fariness of the game and also for the people who are really eager to get their dogs. Thank you
But when you have to wait 4 day´s you can let them spawn insta :P 4 days is "no" time I think its a bad suggestion for the ppl who made this system. better than 1 month thought and if its same or lower than 1 week i think its a good idea XD
yes :3 since we are waiting for the great and awesome sinnoh i reccomend events in between so we can get our bloods up :3 (hide and seek, weekly trivia, 2 week pvp tournament, hunt events^^ etc.)
ok this is my idea= you can talk to the guardian everyday (24hour) you dont have to fight him but he spawns you the dog. Fighting is normal=12days^^
A transportation thingy for just for bosses^^ about 7.5k will be good :3 (will teleport you right next to tha boss)= can use escape rope to go back center.