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Everything posted by Han1996

  1. Hey there! I'm currently on the Red server. It was the only one available when I started :3 nice! im from blue server. Come visit us time to time ;)
  2. welcome man o/ which server are you in btw?
  3. Re: Reality recruiting-{Blue Server}-{Events upcoming and happening!!!} <r><QUOTE author="KojoLionhart" post_id="378763" time="1493258568" user_id="7794"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Hey jojolionhart thanks for applying for our guild <E>:Heart:</E> <E>:Heart:</E> I will pm you in game ;)</r>
  4. Re: Reality recruiting-{Blue Server}-{Events upcoming and happening!!!} <t>bump!</t>
  5. Um hello, this is an idea of a pvp cloak that i thought of and designed also a little (but was too sucky so i changed it to a concept :| ) enjoy! My idea of a pvp cloak was this It would be a fire based pvp cloak (I do know staffs can make it look much better) And like shinies it will have marks left where it goes but instead of shiny marks it will be something like this https://imgur.com/B4BiEXm The fires will be leaving trails like those (will be dope :| ) Thank you!
  6. we will miss you keres ;(
  7. Han1996

    Vote Bann?

    a good pvper knows a way around every pokemon ;)
  8. Re: Mudkip Land (Reality) <t>bump^^</t>
  9. Hello, recently I have made a new guild and I have realized something. Even though I want to promote my guild in all chat or somewhere, I realized it sometimes make some people awkward or angry. Therefore I suggest a channel in game just for guild promotions or if a person does not have a guild they could search a guild in a guild special section (like clash royale) Thank you
  10. Re: Mudkip Land (Reality) <t>Guild reality is recruiting for a recruiter who can help us recruit more people to join Reality. The recruiter should be able to use discord and also frequently help guild recruit people.</t>
  11. This might explain it. Same with some other odds in PRO from my experience. I had an opponent breaking through paralysis for 5+ turns in a row. I don't know if it's just luck. well im missing every play roughs and im taking videos from now on. Cause if im missing every single play rought why dont they just put it is 30% or something so that no one gets harmed from using it.
  12. Hello, when ever i use playrough the accuracy doesnt seem like 90% at all. I don't know if I am really unlucky or not but whenever I playrough for the first time it misses nearly 100%. :/
  13. Re: Mudkip Land (Reality) <r>bump <E>:Shy:</E></r>
  14. Re: Mudkip Land (Reality) <r><QUOTE author="primeabhi" post_id="375050" time="1492346659" user_id="729235"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> hey primeabhi thanks for applying for mudkip land :3 You seem to meet all the requirement. I have send you a pm regarding our discord link^^ Thank you again for applying.</r>
  15. hey o/ if you want you could join reality. We love mudkip (related with anime sorry :/)
  16. hey o/ mudkip guild (reality) is free to anyone. I know about and do pvp also . We are a new guild at the moment but it would be great if you could join us^^
  17. Re: Mudkip Land (Reality) <r><QUOTE author="kaylito" post_id="374924" time="1492299749" user_id="1619351"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> yes mudkips are really hot <E>:devil:</E> <E>:devil:</E> Thanks for applying and pls check your pms</r>
  18. its bae XD
  19. Re: Mudkip Land (Reality) <r><URL url="https://discord.gg/a9fDx">https://discord.gg/a9fDx</URL></r>
  20. Re: Mudkip Land (Reality) <r><QUOTE author="TheWarHawk" post_id="374892" time="1492296143" user_id="1633176"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Xd thats enough I think. Your entry for the mudkip land has been allowed. Check your pms please <E>:y:</E></r>
  21. Re: Mudkip Land (Reality) <r><QUOTE author="PreHax" post_id="374878" time="1492294685" user_id="1120928"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> thanks <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  22. [glow=blue]Current Guild Status[/glow] 71/75 Officer=031r, Dooty Chat Moderator=Akutowa, Blazepanda [glow=blue]Guild gallery[/glow] Upcoming new guild gallery [glow=blue]Requirements[/glow] -We want active people who will devote to the guild and is loyal -English is a necessity and also is discord (A chat app which can be easily downloaded) -Basic knowledge about pokemon and the love for pokemon -Should have no record of doing bots, scamming -Should respect others [glow=blue]Events[/glow] -Hide and seek (upcoming) -Pvp tournament (upcoming) -Guild hunt (upcoming) [glow=blue]What are the benefits?[/glow] -Pvp advices (we are not the best but we have knowledge XD ) -25% exp boost (Was rank 9 in last guild ladder) -Friendly people -Fun events :3 [glow=blue]Applying form[/glow] 1.Can you use discord? 2.What can you do for our guild(Why would we want you) 3.Can you be active on both discord and in game? 4.What is your favorite pokemon? 5.How many badges and game play hours do you have?
  23. npc name=hanham or hamham or ham or han dialogue=I just caught these awesome pokes!!!!!! pokemons=charizard, zoruark(or zorua) <333
  24. thanks for all the warm hearted messages <3 Ill come time to time and i hope to see old faces when i come :Heart:
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