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Everything posted by Han1996

  1. BYE PRO!! <r>Hey guys, after a long time of playing this awesome game, i have some situations which makes me unable to play pro any more. I wish all of you guys the luck and have luck in sinnoh also ;) Thanks for helping me time to time and also thanks for supporting me. I'm sure i offended some people from time to time and im very sorry for this^^ I hope you guys all the best and this game has been and will be the best. Farewell and good luck <E>:Heart:</E> <br/> <br/> I would like to thanks these people the most and ill just refer them to their nick names<br/> -bobo<br/> -marky<br/> -somebody<br/> -revo<br/> -sugar<br/> -mewboo<br/> -burdy<br/> -fearkl(my buddy)<br/> -prehax<br/> -mirzayu(my teacher)<br/> -dark<br/> -zarte<br/> -mae<br/> -mysteries<br/> -crysti<br/> -allira<br/> -james<br/> -bente <3<br/> -kibitz<br/> -kadazzle<br/> -vuxel<br/> -solopolo<br/> -tetso<br/> -shirota<br/> -saiteria<br/> -shamac<br/> -fliflio<br/> -shane<br/> -gman<br/> -yoganand<br/> -sopoky<br/> -word life<br/> -nimgoat<br/> -aussie gamer<br/> -dizzi<br/> -aymane<br/> -zebrabrian<br/> <br/> if you arent in this list dont think that you got forgotten. All of you will stay in my heart and one day lets hope we meet again</r>
  2. Prevents anything from working on the user that turn. Chance of failure increases if it, Protect, Endure, Wide Guard, Quick Guard, King's Shield, or Spiky Shield was used successfully the previous turn. Priority +4. You can see that teh chance of failure increases. The more you succeed the more failures you will get
  3. that happens to me as well but i hate weather not showing most :/
  4. Re: WTS GODLY PORYGON (MAYBE BEST ONE IN BLUE SERVER) <r><QUOTE author="jelvas"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <QUOTE author="Zenkia"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> bid will end in 2 days (c.o by zenkia)</r>
  5. congrats to the winners^^
  6. Re: WTS GODLY PORYGON (MAYBE BEST ONE IN BLUE SERVER) <r><QUOTE author="LordNewbie"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> kappa <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  7. start bid=2mil insta=none c.o=2mil and 100coins by cowtippingmafia 20minutes left
  8. Re: NEW GUILD IMMORTALS ~ BLUE SERVER <r><QUOTE author="thanhmoz"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> keeping a guild together is also skill ;)</r>
  9. np :Shy: and btw that is great^^ make more and try making a gallery of maps ;)
  10. https://i.imgur.com/PLbcW17.jpg use that instead should show like this
  11. jajaja the struggle will start
  12. https://www.mediafire.com/file/689535jyd81niib/PROBasicMapping.7z
  13. lee accepts your apology
  14. Re: Defeat Bosses with the less number of Poke <r><E>:y:</E> <E>:y:</E> <E>:y:</E> i shall use them to beat bosses :3</r>
  15. welcome to pro and btw which server are you playing in? :Smile: :Smile:
  16. bumps for bobo :3
  17. :y: :y: :y: great idea
  18. good luck with the guild o/
  19. we have not filled 2/3 of each server yet. I think its not a good idea to have a new server open^^
  20. Hello, I am currently very interested manipulating images and such. However, i realized that photoshop is not free and is quite expensive. Then someone told me about an app called gimp. What is the difference between gimp and photoshop and can i create great sigs like somes's, gold3n's if i learn using gimp for a long time?
  21. thank you so much :3
  22. sorry for replying so late <3 the sprite is awesome :Crazy:
  23. Hi, ive been making a sig for myself but i need help :3 How can i improve this sig? any suggestions are welcome
  24. hehe 20mil. thats not even full speed.
  25. Guild Reality is open for new people :Grin: :Grin:
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