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Everything posted by Han1996

  1. qwilfishmen qwilfisher qwilmen xddd
  2. did you try to move to the water after clicking ok?
  3. can i ask which is your favorite pokemon^^
  4. Re: Reality recruiting-{Blue Server}-{Events upcoming and happening!!!} <t>bump^^</t>
  5. Re: P2W Game <t>I would like to say bye to all the people who spent hours, weeks, months just to get a perfect IVed pokemon^^ Gl rich people irl catch a right nature pokemon even anything and you can make it billions with just money. I thought this was a game where all people could enjoy and go on as an equal. Guess i was wrong.</t>
  6. Hello, this is a suggestion for pro and i reccomend having a 1-5 days ms for new people who join. Only 1 active per 1 account of 1 email. This will allow new people to experience the huge advantage of ms :Smile: :Smile: :Smile:
  7. Re: Reality recruiting-{Blue Server}-{Events upcoming and happening!!!} <r><QUOTE author="DestroGuard" post_id="381592" time="1493815727" user_id="1652549"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> you must change the channel^^</r>
  8. Hey nechrit its me Han. Sad to see you going :Frown: Lets meet again one day if possible cya man and add me on discord Han#4488 good luck in real life :y: :y:
  9. Re: Reality recruiting-{Blue Server}-{Events upcoming and happening!!!} <r><QUOTE author="DestroGuard" post_id="381205" time="1493745009" user_id="1652549"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Hey destroguard thanks for applying for our guild^^ I will send you the discord link via pm :3</r>
  10. dahm you are really good
  11. strange in blue i had a slave named Sopoky :Ambivalent:
  12. Re: Reality recruiting-{Blue Server}-{Events upcoming and happening!!!} <r><QUOTE author="sepatucorp" post_id="380480" time="1493622164" user_id="1382956"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Hey sepatucorp thanks for applying for our guild man :3 I'll pm you the discord link via pms in this site.</r>
  13. Re: Reality recruiting-{Blue Server}-{Events upcoming and happening!!!} <r><QUOTE author="RuceBandall" post_id="380210" time="1493569278" user_id="1600845"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Hey rucebandall thanaks for applying for our guild^^ I'll send you to discord link via pms :3</r>
  14. Goodbye daeon^^ You will always be missed
  15. Re: Reality recruiting-{Blue Server}-{Events upcoming and happening!!!} <r><QUOTE author="maxiemas" post_id="380026" time="1493522103" user_id="1646140"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> lol maxiemas thank you for applying will invite you right now :3</r>
  16. unless you have the id of the pokemon the staffs can not do anything to retrieve the pokemon.
  17. Re: Reality recruiting-{Blue Server}-{Events upcoming and happening!!!} <t>bumperino</t>
  18. true but i realized pvp cloak is something you get from 240 wins or from getting coins from ladder. I know how hard this is and i think pvp cloaks should be seen as something more special and outstanding. Designing one for one with trails of water bubbles atm :3
  19. Re: Reality recruiting-{Blue Server}-{Events upcoming and happening!!!} <r><QUOTE author="asadalimalik" post_id="379172" time="1493351137" user_id="154473"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> hey asad thanks for applying for our guild^^ We 100% need people like you who are active and eager. I shall send you the discord link via pm in this site <3 Abd btw both Tyranitar and Dialga are awesome pokes^^</r>
  20. bump :3
  21. Re: Reality recruiting-{Blue Server}-{Events upcoming and happening!!!} <t>Reached 60 active and friendly guildies atm!!! Keep it up guys :3</t>
  22. did he give the man that silver disc? and if he did, after how many hours did your friend wait to get the porygon?
  23. Re: Reality recruiting-{Blue Server}-{Events upcoming and happening!!!} <t>bump^^</t>
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