Re: GUILD ILLUSION AND REALITY RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Active people wanted}
<r><QUOTE author="PlasmaN"><s> </e></QUOTE>
it is true that i didnt make the banners(another person in our guild did),,, However, I did not say in all chat you back stabbed me at all even though what you did in our discord. You tried to recruit our members in our discord by saying, "Come to Plasma guild we have better service than illusion etc",, I was very offended and had to kick you. But, I assure you, I have not told anyone in All chat that you back stabbed or anything and I do not know who BeastMaster76 is.<br/>
And also,,, I did not wanna show this but here is the proof and next time please send it by pm or something else. It seems you are trying to ruin our guild reputation cause we can even discord but you chose here.<br/>
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