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Everything posted by Tzrekjad

  1. hp is unfortunately rock buts its ivs are epic 1m
  2. i will start the lapras 5m instead
  3. i start on dieno 5m :)
  4. Re: insta shop: pvp stuff and rare shinies <r><QUOTE author="Avery555" post_id="413057" time="1500425293" user_id="652869"><s> </e></QUOTE> kk ill pm you when online</r>
  5. Re: insta shop: pvp stuff and rare shinies <r><QUOTE author="Deidara7" post_id="412662" time="1500345345" user_id="876391"><s> </e></QUOTE> ok ill pm you ingame when ready</r>
  6. Re: insta shop: pvp stuff and rare shinies <r><QUOTE author="Mourad" post_id="412607" time="1500329314" user_id="1040"><s> </e></QUOTE> thanks :)</r>
  7. Re: insta shop: pvp stuff and rare shinies <t>bump updated</t>
  8. Re: s Girafarig & Carvanha <t>350k carv</t>
  9. Re: hp fire tangela <r><QUOTE author="Frrf" post_id="408968" time="1499688146" user_id="962988"><s> </e></QUOTE> timer 24h started</r>
  10. Re: Selling epic sp atker h.a dragonair <t>1.2m :)</t>
  11. Re: togepi and spiritomb, togepi auction running <t>bump ^^</t>
  12. Re: togepi and spiritomb, togepi auction running <t>bump 1 day left for toge</t>
  13. insta 700k or post offer b.o 300k https://itsalmo.st/#hpfiretangela <--- TIMER auction will last 24h from when i see the starting offer ( or more )
  14. Re: togepi and spiritomb <r><QUOTE author="quanle92" post_id="408098" time="1499524876" user_id="562090"><s> </e></QUOTE> ty auction started, check timer in main post for details</r>
  15. ( Tier 9 shiny )12m start 15m insta quanle92 winner https://itsalmo.st/#togepiauction_53mgl<- TIMER auctions will last for 2 days when i see start ( or higher ) offer, min 300k per bid.<i></i>
  16. Hey are you going to put an insta price? Thanks :Shy:
  17. Re: (s) Gliscor -- (s) Staryu -- (s) Starmie TIME ADDED <t>6.6m staryu</t>
  18. Re: (s) Gliscor -- (s) Staryu -- (s) Starmie TIME ADDED <t>5.5m staryu</t>
  19. Re: (s) Gliscor -- (s) Staryu -- (s) Starmie TIME ADDED <t>4.5m staryu bold :) and 14m gliscor</t>
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