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Posts posted by Daeon

  1. 337187 Hi everyone and thx gm's for the hard work. Just a comple of questions:

    - Where and when will we know our opponents?

    - what is the deadline for the first round?


    Ty in advance


    You can find your opponents in the challonge tournament page. I have linked this to the server here, click on the required server to be transferred:


    Please note I do need to make some changes here, I will be pairing timezones so that your opponent will be relatively close to your timezone where I can make it possible. I will try to make sure that no one is more than 8 hours from the other. This will be for Round One only though.


    I will also update the post with a deadline once Round One has started. It will be different for each server, considering Red has almost 100 players - it's gonna take a bit longer.


    [anchor=2]HOW TO RECORD AND UPLOAD[/anchor]

    • Please find a guide on how to Record And Upload a video here. Ensure that the Youtube video is UNLISTED. This means that the video can only be viewed to those you share the link with.
    • Both participants of each battle should record their match.
    • The video should display the following:
      • Clearly display all Pokemon in your party for verification once the Battle has started - this is to ensure that you are not editing your party in any way prior to the Battle. Please see an
      • Allow Time Stamps on your chat - this can be done in Options>Game. This is to help show passage of time, for those who speed up their videos.
      • One recording should display all three consecutive matches unless there is a clear agreement between you that you will reconvene at another time. This is help enforce rules about wasting the time of the other Player.


    [anchor=3]HOW IT WORKS[/anchor]

    • Single Elimination:
      • Rounds will be a Best-Out-Of-Three basis. If you lose the round, you will be eliminated from the Tournament.

    [*]Why do some Players automatically go to Round 2?

    • For everyone to be in Round One, the number of participants must be a power of 2. This is unavoidable. Please see more information in regards to this

    [*]Finding your opponent:

    • Look for your opponent on the forums and in-game. You may find the /pm username-=-username command helpful here.
    • Try and establish a date and time for the match - once this has been agreed, PM Daeon with what time this takes place. If your opponent does not appear within an hour of this time or adequately warn you beforehand, they will lose the round by default. If I am available, I will help source the Player. I am happy to share my Discord account details with anyone for this, please PM me with your username if you require this.
    • DO NOT meet up in-game prior to your battle, as this will give away your starter. You can use the /battle command to initiate Battle from different maps.
    • DO NOT keep your opponent waiting whilst reorganising your team between battles. If you keep them more than 5 minutes you will be disqualified.

    [*]You may continue to Level and EV train your Pokemon. You may also change Move Sets.



    • The following PvP Items are banned: Muscle Band, Wise Glasses, Weakness Policy, Quick Claw, Lagging Tail, Life Orb (This is because allowing these would involve the complete reorganisation of some teams).
    • Recordings of battles must be uploaded and submitted to Daeon (DO NOT send these to other members of Staff, as some are participating) within 48 hours of the match taking place. Details of what must be in the recording will be included in [goto=2]how to record and upload[/goto].
    • You may only use Pokemon that have been registered.
    • Rated PvP Rules apply. Please familiarise yourself with these if you have not done so already.
    • If you disconnect, it will be counted as a loss unless your opponent agrees to a rematch. You must provide proof of this.
    • If the server crashes, the round is nullified and should be restarted.
    • Do not keep your opponent waiting:
      • If you do not attempt to contact your opponent in order to arrange a Battle time, you will be eliminated.
      • If you do not arrive within an hour of your agreed Battle time, you will be eliminated.
      • If you spend more than 5 minutes rearranging your team between battles, you will be eliminated.

      [*]If you edit your imgur album at all at any point, you will be disqualified.

      [*]Be prepared for long matches - remember to pay attention. If you are inactive and unable to be contacted for any longer than 15 minutes, you will be disqualified.


      Failure to follow any of these rules will result in an immediate disqualification.



    • The CHAMPION will receive:
      • Yellow Server: RAIKOU
    243.pngRed Server: ENTEI 244.pngBlue Server: SUICUNE 245.png
    ✯ A PvP Cloak & Hood in a colour of your choosing.
    ✯1x Membership Medallion.

    SECOND PLACE will receive:

    • ✯ A PvP Cloak & Hood in a colour of your choosing.
      ✯ 1x Membership Medallion.

    THIRD PLACE will receive:

    • ✯ 1x Membership Medallion.


    [anchor=6]FAQ[/anchor] - Will be updated

    When does the Tournament start?

    • The tournament officially starts at 20th January at 20:00GMT. This does not mean you have to battle at this exact time.

    Can I battle my opponent before the Tournament opens?

    • No. The reason for this is simply that I've been extremely busy the last few weeks - I need a break. Since I am running this Tournament on my own and will have very little help checking videos and so on due to Staff Members taking part in the Tournament (as to protect teams) - so, I need a bit of a breather first.

    How long will each Round last?

    • Round One will last 7 days and will end at 20:00GMT on the 7th day. This is to allow for those who work full time and have real-life commitments. There will be a 1 day break between rounds, so that I am able to ensure the bracket is up to date. I will update the post with when the next round begins.

    What happens if I do not submit my video before the Round ends?

    • You will be eliminated. No exceptions under any circumstances.

    In Round One, do those automatically placed in Round Two battle also?

    • Yes. If you have a pairing, you should seek your opponent. Round Three will continue as normal.

    What if I don't know what GMT is in my own time?

    • Please type "London" here:
    This will display the current time in GMT, just compare this to your own time.

    What do I do if I cannot find my opponent or they do not turn up?

    • Keep proof of every attempt you make, such as screenshots of in-game and forum PMs.
      I have also uploaded the Trainer Card of every player in the list. Some people registered under one name but will actually be battling using another account - be sure to look at their Trainer Card. Also I may have just spelt their name wrong.
      If the Round ends and you have made sufficient effort to contact the your Opponent, or they simply did not turn up to the battle without warning (if you decide to reschedule this must be agreed to by both parties) - you will win by default and they will be eliminated.

    Are Staff allowed to use their Staff Reward Pokemon?

    • Yes, if it falls under 601 Base Stats.

  3. 336746 I was in the first cave in viridian forest,i got my pc shutdown and then i cant log in my account.The error is when the loading screen in the end it says PRO32 has stopped working.We tried my husband account and he can log in.So what is happening can u return me back to the city?


    My account at the loading map in the end this is the error:Translate "The PRO32.exe' has stopped working


    Please try log in now. I have sent you to your last visited PC - it may just be that you got stuck in the loading screen.

    We live update maps, so occasionally this error can happen and results in you being stuck in transition.

  4. 336442 Public or Hidden? :confused:



    Hidden pls.

    336331 can we change the hold items of the registered pokemon? btw what kind of item is available in the tournament? can we use focus sash?

    And a have the same question :Crazy:

    I'll make a full list in the final registered list post. Post will also include guides on how to record and upload and so on. Everything will be provided.

  5. 336448 I failed to register? :confused:


    Just waiting on your imgur album. If you've sent it in the last few hours or so, it'll need to wait til the morning.

    I will send out final calls in the morning for any missing information. Just check the main Tournament post to see if you are registered properly under the Entrants spoilers.

    *hopes that made sense.. 2a.m. brain*


  6. Drop the topic now. The forum is not the place for arguments, let alone one that is now very off-topic. Discussions are fine but this is now turning into a full blown argument and is getting out of hand.


    Any continuation of the topic will result in a formal forum warning.

  7. 336158 Please see to all kinds of peaple.

    Good luck & sorry about my style of speaking.

    Only because i like the game more than staff.

    sorry again.



    It takes someone very mature to apologise like that, so you have my respect there for that. Thank you very much.

    I'm sad you feel that way about Staff, however just be aware in the future that we are human beings - we volunteer our free time to help the game and do so around work and other real life commitments, we'll never be able to produce the experience given by other games where Staffing is actually a job. Time limits us there. Unfortunately time isn't something any one can change, but we do the best with what we have and what we feel is best for the Community as a whole - sadly this means that we cannot please every one all the time.


  8. 336130 So right now if you want to message someone you can right click on their character or on their name in chat or on your friend's list but if that's not an option for you for some reason then you'll have to use the command: /pm playerName1-=-playerName2


    I suggest something maybe a little more simple than this, though. How about using just "/pm username" or maybe "/w username". W standing for whisper. What do you think? Good idea or not? Thanks for listening!


    The reason for the -=- command is so you can create a group conversation. With this you can open PMs with more than one user at a time.


    Example: /pm Daeon-=-PaulWG-=-Bob

  9. 335988 PRO Username: PokeZMan


    Server: Red

    What is the issue?

    I accidentally deleted my Mamoswine in Blackthorn city with 31 attack and 30 speed iv that is ev trained. :Angry:

    Pokemon: Mamoswine

    Level: 72

    Id: 20819803


    What do I want?

    I want to retrieve my original good ived lv 72 Mamoswine that I trained day and night for. :Frown:





    Please check the last Pokemon in your box.

  10. 335957
    335950 Daeon wrote:

    Source of the post If you are not happy with the prizes, do not enter. I'm sure there is someone else who would be very grateful to receive a Legendary that cannot be obtained via any other method and is unique to them. I will not be chasing my tail making amendments every five minutes to please the minority.


    Not like it's actually the case for the half of the red serveur ? You can ask yourself people who actually knows me or are either on my fl, if i ever get in hands entei, the first thing i would have done would be deleting it . Sould we speak about raikou case ? Aren't you saying that the reward for being a staff member , is actually better pvping speaking than a pvp event aka tournament once a year while it's the same excact pokémon ? Why people would ask for more changes when the winner"s preference is the only actually mattering ?


    I never said anything of the sort. What I said is that I am not changing it.


    It is a PRIZE - not an expectation. The purpose of this event isn't to dish out people's choice of Pokemon. It is to give the Players something fun, something to bring the community together and something that wasn't just hunting Pokemon or Rated PvP - this provides Players with a goal to work towards and is a temporary pass-time for those who want to enter. Players have come together as Guilds in some cases to prepare for this, training and levelling each other's Pokemon, gifting them and so on. It's also a way for Players to get to know new people.


    If the prize was the only thing that mattered here, I would have just held a raffle. It would have taken a lot less time and would have been a lot simpler to organise. I will reiterate my point, if you really are not happy with it, do not participate - it is not compulsory.


    That's my final word on it, I will not argue the point any further.

    Such a lack of reals arguments , we got your stament that's ok ,but i'll probably try hard once on pro and for what ? to get the right to delet a [Censored] reward , i mean a pvp related reward and worse than a basic pokémon you can actually farm , and spare the exact same typing and utilisation .


    Firstly, this is a PG game.

    Secondly, you have been removed from the Tournament.

  11. 335950 Daeon wrote:

    Source of the post If you are not happy with the prizes, do not enter. I'm sure there is someone else who would be very grateful to receive a Legendary that cannot be obtained via any other method and is unique to them. I will not be chasing my tail making amendments every five minutes to please the minority.


    Not like it's actually the case for the half of the red serveur ? You can ask yourself people who actually knows me or are either on my fl, if i ever get in hands entei, the first thing i would have done would be deleting it . Sould we speak about raikou case ? Aren't you saying that the reward for being a staff member , is actually better pvping speaking than a pvp event aka tournament once a year while it's the same excact pokémon ? Why people would ask for more changes when the winner"s preference is the only actually mattering ?


    I never said anything of the sort. What I said is that I am not changing it.


    It is a PRIZE - not an expectation. The purpose of this event isn't to dish out people's choice of Pokemon. It is to give the Players something fun, something to bring the community together and something that wasn't just hunting Pokemon or Rated PvP - this provides Players with a goal to work towards and is a temporary pass-time for those who want to enter. Players have come together as Guilds in some cases to prepare for this, training and levelling each other's Pokemon, gifting them and so on. It's also a way for Players to get to know new people.


    If the prize was the only thing that mattered here, I would have just held a raffle. It would have taken a lot less time and would have been a lot simpler to organise. I will reiterate my point, if you really are not happy with it, do not participate - it is not compulsory.


    That's my final word on it, I will not argue the point any further.

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