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Everything posted by Thor

  1. I had been thinking of something like this for the Orange islands (if you watch the anime, ash and co actually discovers an underground cave with live fossils in)
  2. I guess ur missing the point. We want it to take a little while to level up
  3. Yeah the server cap is sat at 65 atm (due to being on a VPS) When we have a proper dedicated server we could raise the cap to 1000+ depending on how good the server is, and how stable our code is (all the freezes have been attributed to the VPS so far, not the code crashing)
  4. We do have the macho brace (i think). whether its being given out ingame right now is another question though I got my macho braco from a trade in [GoldenRod City] drowzee for a machop (I got a shiny Machop with a Macho Brace attached. It didnt quote the image, but surely.the best troll reply ive seen in a while :p
  5. Thor

    options graphs.

    I have more upgrades incoming,but you can see an example of my system specs here; As you can see, not that great (will have 4x more RAM shortly, and looking to get a better GFX card). This is also with a dual core processor (3.07ghz - also will be upgrading to a quad core shortly) and this is all with cheapo parts. i have literally spent less than £100 for the whole computer (HDD, tower (came with the 2GB RAM and the dual core CPU), GFX card). There is little excuse really
  6. We do have the macho brace (i think). whether its being given out ingame right now is another question though
  7. Thor


    The SS shown is of pokestar studios, whete the sprites are enlarged anyway The reason 1 sprite is smaller than the other is due to perspective. Something is smaller the further away it is.
  8. Sorry to burst ur bubble, but this is always how pokemon has worked, right from gen 1. It forms the basis of the whole game. You cant just change something as fundamental as IVs in pokemon. It would mess up the whole balance of a game thats based on getting the best pokemon. Usually that means finding bad ones along the way. I think also the 'special training' you refer to is called EV (effort value) training. But with that comes the fact that everyone can do it, so you will still be outclassed by someone with the same pokemon, but better IVs. Bottom line is we wont change a core aspect of pokemon
  9. I dont think you quite grasp how directx works. People should have upgraded their systems to at least vista by now anyway. There is no point in supporting a legacy system just to please a few people who havent upgraded. People with lower end PCs will always have speed issues. Thats the nature of a low end PC. I mywelf dont particularly have a good PC. Most of the parts are 6+ years old, yet i get nearly 500fps in PRO. If people r struggling with speed then they need to upgrade (like i did). Simple as that.
  10. Thor


    Pokemmo is an alright game, but lets.look at these facts; - You basically ripped off 90% from a GBA ROM - The reason everything works is because of the above - Breeding negates the point of hunting, so pokemon rarity means nothing. - Very little proper development. We here are making our gane essentially from scratch, when things are finished they are usually added. The reason we dont have certain sprites yet is because we havent drawn them. The reason out battle backgrounds are like thats because we havent finished the environment ones yet. Judge us when we've been released for several years, sure. But not when you guys are playing a test version of the game. Things are going to be missing, thats just a fact of Test. Now as for Pokemmo users. When your programming team decides it actually wants to.move from 2005 and at least supports a gen 4 base ROM (which i dont see happening), then you can come in here on your horses. I happen to like Gen 4 personally FYI, but for.now Gen 3 sucks, the gfx is old and crappy 15bit quality.
  11. Thor

    speed battle

    Then your computer is too old. I have a similar issue to what you describe, on my 15 year old desktop PC
  12. Well that's all I needed to see to know that this post is BS Kinda sounds like a certain other regilious group that features heavily in the news recently. I am a realist (u could call me an athiest, however i prefer to align to no group whatsoever). I believe that the foundations of all religions are stupid. Some may have some truth to them, for example christianity there MAY have been a man called jesus who lived in isreal about 2000 or so years ago. But guess what. I wont be swayed by your obvious lack of intelegence and common sense. You guys have a good imagination though :) so keep on imagining that things are real. Maybe one day if i imagined i could fly, have super strength and be invulnerable it might happen :) (this is an analogy of general religious faith btw). I respect people are unique and can follow what they want, but dont by all means try and force rubbish on others. I wont allow it here.
  13. This also breaks the same rule. I told someone to take the torrent down for an earlier version of PRO a while back. Also theres no need now. The client has a built in auto-updater as of v0.81
  14. Only people with windows xp will be affected by this (vista+ supports dx11). XP is 14 years old anyway. Its almost as old as the PS2. So if people are using a legacy OS like that then theyre going to be left behind eventually.
  15. Maybe we should promote u to ban (hmm) :p Good to see u around
  16. Thor


    Im afraid everyine is right. Theres no need to contribute any further to this discussion :)
  17. I think the EVs have been added to chat (next client release possibly). Ev berries are indeed in the games inventory, we're working on berry tower (which is a battle toweresque feature, where u can win packs of EV berries). This would have been done a few weeks ago but due to situations out of our control we havent been able to finish it. This will be done shortly
  18. Thor

    Starter Pokemon

    I agree. I think pokemons stats should be given by chance. That is the whole point of pokemon. If everyone was able to get a second chance at a decent stat starter without catching one would underline the basic values of pokemon. None of the handhelds had this, and 99% wont happen here either.
  19. ur a bit slow Gawerty :P he passed his apprentiship phase nearly a week ago :p
  20. Welcome to PRO Yes i myself am familiar with the situation you guys face. Ive seen a lot of the sprite work that went into it and it looked great. We already have one of POL's spriters on our team already, and if you can prove you have the talent we're looking for then there may be more :)
  21. (In battle sprites wouldn't be animated btw, at least for now). And that is quite quick :p (have you seen some thats already ingame, such as water gun and surf? Its those of that calibre that we need)
  22. I love that you have animated it :p that brings me on to my next question. How proficient would you be with move animations and things for example? (You wouldnt necessarily be doing this but just wanted to ask)
  23. The shadow lugia does look a tad blurred, however the other 'in battle, sprites intruige me, they are pretty good. I would like to see how you would fare with a sprite that hasnt been made yet. (At least in Gen 5 style). Flabebe.
  24. Thor


    we actually used to have PRO run in Web Unity, but was removed about 6 months ago when hosting became an issue
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