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Everything posted by Thor

  1. Thor

    Android App

    What was the issue? So others with this problem can install too
  2. I thought the same thing. This is why now you should be able to get on the bike path with any of the ground mounts Also FYI, fly will never function as it does outside of battle in the handhelds.
  3. I doubt this will happen. We have the release in a PC system for the same reason they were in the hamdhelds.
  4. Thor


    Considering your current vendetta against our mapping staff (which btw i saw your showcase and it was less than stellar itself), i can see y some of them would get tetchy due to them putting 1000s ofhours of their own time into a project that we all want to see succeed. Therefore i would suggest that if you think you are 'all that' (and maybe you have worked on other games as a mapper, but you are currently here so they must have done something else wrong) you make suggestions about how to improve things, and actually give mappers something to work with. Not the usual BS that i hear from some salty players like 'you suck', or 'this game sucks because we dont have XYZ'. Constructive criticism is always welcome but any more of this personal attacking and i will remove your access.
  5. Sorry to burst your bubble, but similar things have been suggested, and doesnt work in a game-related way. Youre talking about anime, which is a completely different format.
  6. Thor

    More Cosmetic Items

    Most of these will be in some time down the line. - we already have master balls, players are unable to obtain them outside major tornaments due to there being some catchable legends in the future. - there will also not be lables infront of players names. People will get confused and mistake those users for staff members. So these wont happen
  7. Event root apps dont change PROs resolution, i am running CM11 so i know all about tweaking aspects of a device. Yeah, 'zoom' would basically mean reducing the view distance
  8. Thor

    A Marketplace

    nothing game related will be outside the game. we are waiting until certain conditions are met before we add an auctionhouse. but once they are we will add it in
  9. well done to all the people who have been sending suggestions. The superhero stuff has actually been suggested internally a while ago :P
  10. You literally cannot change android resolution. its impossible. the screen only has that resolution. Shane is working on a zoom option and better GUI scaling for 1080+ devices (i use a galaxy s4, so i feel your pain)
  11. Cosplay suits would go down well with the community
  12. It actually turned out to be a variable error, which i have fixed
  13. i agree this will be edited
  14. We have plans to add this in the future, it will be done once more important things have been finished (not saying this isnt important, just saying its less important than say, server stability for example)
  15. I cant do anything about the vulpix unfortunately, but if you come and find me ingame i will give u a leftovers. Sound fair?
  16. I will be scripting in super rod shortly, so this will essentially become a non-issue. however i do believe that dratini is super rod only
  17. Thor

    bug silph co 5f

    Please learn to read NPC dialogues in that area. It clearly explains why theyre out of the map.
  18. I agree with the using google idea. Or just learn how to pokemon :)
  19. Unfortunately it wont happen. There is a very good reason for this; 1. I am sure you guys are mature and would give good names, there are a lot of people who are immature and would give stupid names, or names to try and decieve others. 2. Because of the first issue mentioned, we cant moderate names to be PG oriented. This is the main reason why we wont have nicknames.
  20. As the others said. Simply deleting exe and folder associated will be enough. Good luck finding another pokemon MMO out there with such active willing staff to make it the game people will enjoy.
  21. Thor

    PRO blocked?

    If connecting through a service provider (that is probably restricted), just download and use a VPN. Not the most ideal solution since there arent many good VPN services, especially free ones out there, but better than nothing.
  22. Thor


    I have no such qualifications yet i am responsible for a major part of the tile system, quite a few of the scripts and an occssional map or 2. What i am trying to say basically is that you dont have to be qualified to learn and be picked based on what you can do. Right, back on topic; The whole troll facrs thing i completely agree with, it was acced back in testing as something to mess around with the testerbase, stresstest server packets etc. These will most likely soon be removed anyway. You have to remember we have been in Live beta for all of 2 days and are currently waiting for our server hardware to be ready so we can shovel more players onto our game :) The staff showing pokemon thing however, I myself along with other members have been guilty of this. Again its down to us having to change mentality and be a little more serious and professional with these things. Also (usually in my case) to showcase future functionality, such as megas. I have spoken to the other guys and we will be more front facing and professional in the future. Thanks for your time
  23. Shane suspects that the login issues experiences on android are the same as the ones on Mac too. Once shane gets a cheap android tablet and debugs the issue, and fixes it, then we will see Mac/android builds being released too.
  24. No, we will never sell pokemon for money, that ruins the whole point of making an effort.
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