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  1. So if we talk to the E4 and Rin in a specific order (benjamin dylan rin noam jonathan) we get a random item from jonathan. If we talk to them again in the order we get another item, its an infinite cycle and could be abused since they give expensive items like choice items flame orb etc Fix em plz, thank you.
  2. IGN: Fizzo Discord name: Fizzo#7304 Pokemon name: Whippy Pokemon Typing: Dark/Fairy Pokemon description: Despite its dark and scary appearance its a very kind-hearted and caring Pokemon making bandages with its arm for the wounded Pokemon (that's dark). It also protects other small pokemon by striking its whip like arm to the ground making loud noises scaring away predators. Also it will do anything to protect its trainer even hurting itself (again very dark) Picture/drawing (optional): Ability: Pure Soul (This pokemon's special attack stat is doubled) Base Stats HP 75 ATK 105 DEF 70 SPATK 55 SPDEF 80 SPD 115 Moveset: Knock Off/Dark Pulse Low Kick MoonBlast Whiplash Strike (Dark type status move) the user repeatedly strikes the ground and scares them causing its opponent to lower its SPATK and SPEED by 1 stage.
  3. Well first of all i'm not an artist, I made this in MS Paint so yeah. I figured the idea behind this post is to provide you with ideas and not the actual UI because staff can make better UI than me. With that being said Lets begin This is how my UI looks [spoiler=Battle UI] 1. Everything is pretty self explanatory, 3v3 battle, HP bar has two marks at 75% and 25% respectively to gauge damage easily hp color changes at 50%. 2. Top right is the digital timer (bar sucks) changes color to yellow at 20s and red at 10s. 3. Below that is opponents pokemon team, background changes to red when fainted. 4. I've added Field status tab with a drop down button which shows entry hazards, screens, and other field status either side. 5. Battle status at bottom left corner that shows current weather, no of turns, and other status like trick room, magic and wonder room which can be opened and closed. [spoiler=Battle Status] 6. Bottom left is the battle logs again with expand and drop down button (yes the yellow/black thing is scroller xD). [spoiler=Battle log] 7. I've kept Fight UI bottom right. Following tab opens when u click on Fight [spoiler=Fight UI] 8. Here u can select poke > then choose a attack ( also a button for z-move/Mega evolution ) > then choose a target > option to cancel move. 9. After you click bag item following tab opens [spoiler=Bag Tab] 10. Click on any of the options following tab opens, each different for battle items, pokeballs, medicine (I've only shown one) Sorry for my bad English. Thank you for reading, hope you like it.
  4. IGN: Fizzo Server: Silver What do you want to ask from Santa this Christmas: Unova when ? (kappa) Merry Christmas
  5. Really nice idea
  6. Not fixed yet. I can still fight it again @_@ not sure if it's just me. Other mini bosses are fine
  7. Also I fought other mini bosses they are working fine
  8. Kyogre mini boss isn't disappearing after I won and I could fight again and again. Plz fix fast
  9. Where are you from?: India How old are you?: 25 How much playtime do you have on PRO (including alternate accounts if any)?: 2115hrs (3+ years) Has the game improved since you first joined? If yes, how?: I played this game since alpha and it has improved a lot both in quality as well as quantity. More end game content, boss battle, Side quests, daily quests, PvP, a lot moves fixed, PvP items, still have long way to go though. Is there a staff member or player who you feel is underrated?: I don't know any of the staff personally but they are doing very good job (dev, cs, map etc) If you could change one thing about PRO, what would it be (no restrictions, be creative)?: Most of them already said what I wanted to say, but still A ingame auction house would be nice. Ability to spectate PvP match (make use of battle chat it stays empty most of the time) Some content exclusive for guilds like guild raid, guild PvP war, top 5 guilds in ladder can fight all out to earn massive bonus rewards.
  10. Hi, All the miniboss spawned and i could battle them thank you very much for fixing them <3 :CharYay:
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