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Everything posted by Apocalypse

  1. Crawdant 1.5m
  2. Def a minus, only adds salt to the wound to people that ain't finding anything in ages. Also we have already way too many flexers, I wouldn't give them more space to appeal.
  3. Gz for winning, trade complete, can close
  4. 350k from Fallone
  5. Auction Larvitar as it follows: Starting Offer: 300k Min Bid: 50k Accept Poke$ only END: 400K End auction: 30/03/2023 at 6:35PM GMT+1 (24 hours from auction post)
  6. Auction Drilbur 30/30 Jolly Nature, Sand Force Ability , almost godly ivs, Ev trained Starting Offer: 300k Min Bid: 50k Accept Poke$ only End auction: 24/03/2023 at 6:00PM GMT+1 (24 hours from auction post)
  7. Can't participate because it says this line you see in the SS and keeps on bouncing me back onto the quay above when i try to get into the water. I remember leaving early some time ago from another one of these events and havent tried to play this content ever since. I guess that's not happening tonight either. I read this should've been fixed in other forum posts but seems like it isn't. I tried to use the solution some staff adviced written on other posts also, but it's not working either. I tried to go back and return then but isnt working either. ING is Apocalypse and server's Silver. Hopefully i'll be able to play this sooner or later. Thanks
  8. Gz for winning the auction. Trade done
  9. Bump! - Last 3hours and 28 mins
  10. Offered 1.5M ingame
  11. Auction Aloan Vulpix 31/31 Starting Offer: 500k Min Bid: 100k Insta: 3m End auction: 09/02/2023 at 6:00PM GMT+1 (48 hours from auction post) Current Offer: Anxhar 1.6M
  12. ● What's your in-game name? Apocalypse ● you active in Discord? Basically any moment of the day/night if i'm not sleeping ●Age: Stopped counting at 22, let's not dig into that ● Where are you from? Italy ● What's your total playtime? 2000 Hours soon ● What's your goal in PRO? Going back to high ladder like the good ol' times, (i played a lot in 2016/2017 then left for quite a while so i'm lacking for now with new gen/megas and stuff) ● What do you enjoy while playing the game? Hunting event forms and Pvping ● Why do you want to be part of the guild? Because there's some people i'm close to in Genesis and i want to be able to play with them more. Also going hunting in areas i can't go without being in a guild ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? Mantine, because it's chubb, can swim and glide in the air. Cuteness&Freedom in the same Poke Discord: Apo#7777
  13. Hi, I'm looking for a Careful Throh with Guts ability, ivs must be aroud those: Atk -> 25+ Def ->25+ Spd ->whatever Spatk ->whatever Spdef ->25+ HP ->25+ I'm online many hours a day so just /friend me -> Apocalypse or reply here. No problem about the price, we can talk it out, thanks in advance :Shy:
  14. Re: -->Flypikachu's CHEAP Training Service [All Regions]<-- <r>Hi, I'd like to buy some daycare services from You:<br/> <br/> IGN: Apocalypse<br/> Timezone: UTC/GMT +2<br/> <br/> Pokemon Species: Finneon <br/> Starting Level: 24<br/> Ev training only [252HP - 252SPEED - 6DEF]<br/> Moves wanted on Pokemon from level up (To keep or to learn): u-turn<br/> <br/> <br/> Pokemon Species: Dratini<br/> Starting Level: 43<br/> Ev training only [252ATK - 252SPEED - 6HP]<br/> Moves wanted on Pokemon from level up (To keep or to learn): Dragon dance - Dragon Claw<br/> <br/> <br/> Pokemon Species: Koffing <br/> Starting Level: 11<br/> Ev training only [252HP - 252DEF - 6SPDEF]<br/> Moves wanted on Pokemon from level up (To keep or to learn): Sludge bomb<br/> <br/> <br/> Pokemon Species: Snorlax <br/> Starting Level: 25<br/> Ev training only [144HP -188DEF - 176SPDEF ]<br/> Moves wanted on Pokemon from level up (To keep or to learn): rest - sleeptalk - crunch<br/> <br/> <br/> Pokemon Species: Tentacool<br/> Starting Level: 36<br/> Ev training only [240HP - 244 DEF - 24SPEED]<br/> Moves wanted on Pokemon from level up (To keep or to learn): toxic spikes<br/> <br/> <br/> Pokemon Species: Chansey <br/> Starting Level: 25<br/> Ev training only [252DEF - 252SPDEF - 6HP]<br/> Moves wanted on Pokemon from level up (To keep or to learn): softboiled<br/> <br/> Let me know if it's all alright as they are many, I'm quite lazy to train them myself <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  15. Couldn't get a fossil in feral, i'm at 1500 discoveries-
  16. Thanks, just did it :y:
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