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Everything posted by Qhinn

  1. Hello [ref]Nuxxy[/ref], welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online. We have various ways to support you in case, like Game Guides and live chat support in IRC, aswell as FAQ in order to guide you through. Enjoy your game!
  2. The only way I could think of getting PRO to work is by using the android version. Apart from that, I have no idea. PRO doesn't support Chromebooks.
  3. I recommend to spread word to everyone and leave the guild. You can create a new one. Best regards.
  4. Welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online.
  5. Welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online.
  6. Welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online.
  7. As I said, you'll see names of people who are currently and once were in your list as soon as you hit the total amount of possible players. It's a known issue, but receiving a notification when someone's online is no big deal from my point of view. Shane will fix it eventually.
  8. Are you online right now? I'll come in.
  9. ~ Moved to proper forum ~
  10. ~ Moved to proper forum ~
  11. You can't. There's 50 slots on your list. If you have more than 50 some will start to vanish. (Those who got deleted by you, most likely.) Your issue will remain as long as you can't fill it completely.
  12. Qhinn


    Pokemon you caught will be instantly transferred to your boxes. You won't find them in your bagpack. Please don't hi-jack other user's posts. Submit an own topic for your issue in advance. Thanks.
  13. Will be taken care of. Thanks for your report.
  14. It's a known issue and will be taken care of as soon as we can. Thank you for reporting the issue.
  15. Skarmory can learn Whirlwind via eggmove. ~ Moved to proper forum ~
  16. Welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online.
  17. Welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online.
  18. Hello [ref]Earthenlady[/ref], welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online. We got a variety of ways to support you in case, like Game Guides and Live Chat Support, aswell as FAQ in order to guide you through. Enjoy your game!
  19. Yeah, our servers are pretty much filled everyday. Expect to hit queues anytime. Please do not post in another topic, as your question has nothing to do with the actual issue.
  20. Protect/Detect and Wish are available if the Pokemon learns it on its own. There's no TM's available yet.
  21. EXP-Share is not implemented in PRO, and never will, as it doesn't fit to the MMO mechanics. Everstone is a reward for meeting the requirements of Dragon's Den, in Johto.
  22. You're welcome. Locking the topic.
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