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Everything posted by Qhinn

  1. Qhinn


    All has been told. Locking the topic.
  2. Expert Belt should be working as all items work that got a description.
  3. Locking the topic. Good to read it worked out.
  4. Server reboots take place as soon as they're needed. You'll have to wait patiently, as there is no way to accelerate it. Sorry for your inconvenience, best regards.
  5. Seems to be a minor bandwidth issue. However, trying a couple of times and/or restarting the client should fix it. You'll be able to login eventually. Good luck, best regards.
  6. No, sorry. You can create a new account in order to start over. You can have 4 accounts in total, 2 per e-mail (Two different e-mail adresses.) Unfortunately we can't move accounts. You'll have to start from scratch. Best regards.
  7. You can create a guild by typing /gcreate. You need to pay 400K and must've played at least 100 hours to do so.
  8. I moved your post to the right section. Please stop hi-jacking other user's topics. What version of Windows are you using? I'll post some guides for you: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=31177 https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=14738 https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=14688 Let me know if it worked.
  9. That topic has been discussed countless times. Locking the topic.
  10. I advise to submit a topic at Donation Issues. Good luck, best regards.
  11. Watch your language, please. Besides, do not hi-jack posts from other players. Submit your topic at Report Center, make sure to hit the right server and add valid screenshots.
  12. Porygon can be obtained at Cinnabar Island's lab. You need to catch at least 100 Kanto Pokemon in order to receive it. Choice items haven't been implemented yet.
  13. Welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online.
  14. Welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online.
  15. Welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online.
  16. Hello [ref]Dragonanie[/ref], welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online. We have a variety of support if you need it, like Game Guides and Live Chat Support, aswell as Frequently Asked Questions to properly guide you through. Enjoy your game!
  17. Have you been able to solve your issue? No . It Still stuck there What server are you at?
  18. Did you manage to use it properly?
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