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Everything posted by Qhinn

  1. ~ Moved to proper forum ~
  2. You're experiencing some server-side issue. Your character is still on the map server, but your client is off. Caused by logging off but not closing the client completely. You have to wait for a server crash/manual reboot, as it's the only way to get rid of your problem. Sorry for your inconvenience. Best regards
  3. Qhinn

    Login issues

    Please avoid double posting. I answered the other topic. Locking this one.
  4. The server may respond slower due to a mass of people playing, and lots of players who're waiting in the queue. However, waiting should fix your problem. The client just needs some time to load environment - such as maps, NPC's and items. Your game will run fluently once you completed loading. I advise to be patient. Best regards.
  5. Hello [ref]TeamValor[/ref], welcome to Pokemon Revolution. There's diverse ways to support you in case, presenting Game Guides and live chat support ~ IRC, aswell as FAQ to guide you through. Enjoy your game!
  6. Hello [ref]Beewo[/ref], welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online. We have diverse ways to support you in case, there's Game Guides and live chat support ~ IRC and FAQ to guide you through. Enjoy your game!
  7. Hello [ref]Fisstechead[/ref], welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online. We offer varies of ways to support you: Game Guides and live chat support ~ IRC, aswell as FAQ to guide you through. Enjoy your game!
  8. Welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online.
  9. Hello [ref]GammaRat[/ref], welcome to Pokemon Revolution. We have various ways of support if you need it, like Game Guides and live chat support ~ IRC. We also got FAQ to guide you through. Enjoy your game!
  10. ~ Split topic and moved to proper forum ~
  11. Hello [ref]TheGr8[/ref], welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online. There's diverse ways of support in case, like Game Guides and live chat support ~ IRC, aswell as FAQ to guide you through. Enjoy your game!
  12. ReSync and /ref do NOT help with anything like this. The only time that those options help are when the location of your character in the client doesn't match with its location on the server.
  13. Oh, indeed. Thanks for the heads-up, gonna add /cgjoin in a second.
  14. Welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online.
  15. Hello [ref]Gerviel[/ref], welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online.
  16. ~ Moved to proper forum ~
  17. Welcome to Pokemon Revolution.
  18. Hello, mind providing some screenshots? Here's a guide that might help you in case you're stuck to progress: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=119&t=3503 Let me know if it worked. Good luck, best regards.
  19. Welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online.
  20. Staffview should be used by staff members only. It's mainly for GM's.
  21. Hello [ref]Stevensaur[/ref], welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online. We offer diverse ways of support in case, like Game Guides and live chat support ~ IRC, aswell as FAQ to guide you through. Enjoy your game!
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