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About Outlaw609

  • Birthday 09/20/1988

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  1. I noticed while doing my boss run that the game is currently allowing dark types to be affected by prankster induced status moves. In the past such status moves would fail against dark types, as intended. Obviously the fact that they work now is a bug, and as such I am reporting it. Specifically, it was mega banette's destiny bond that I got to work against a tyranitar (Thor iirc) Cheers, Outlaw609
  2. Do you any confirmation of this by staff?
  3. Let's make it an even 3m, shall we
  4. Auction is ending in about 4 hours, correct?
  5. No problem, thank you for the answer
  6. when does this thing end>? It isnt very clear. Also, i'd like to up it to 3.2m ty
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