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About Omicroneta

  • Birthday 12/08/1990

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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Re: [All Servers] ||PRO|| Monotype Showdown Tour++ <t>showdown name: sheeiitan<br/> server: red</t>
  2. how will it work when i have player data on booth servers got an acc with 500h on yellow and use it now as alt in red. will i get my yellow mons and money on that account or how u will handle that?
  3. Re: Softboiled and Unaware ability combined - Allow or Ban from ranked PvP or not? <t>ban it!</t>
  4. Re: Looking for a Guild <r><QUOTE author="Crytonik" post_id="441655" time="1505240775" user_id="530920"><s> </e></QUOTE> hey, ich finde ihn net <e> </e></QUOTE> Lucurryo heißt er sorry für den fehler</r>
  5. Re: Looking for a Guild <t>wende dich an lucurrio</t>
  6. rabbit already sold to smurfy
  7. I think nature reroll would be better then iv reroll. Bc a lax mew with 31 iv´s is still a lax mew and unuseable
  8. [mention]linkaros[/mention] pm me ingame or cantact me via discord
  9. pls pm me ingame or per Discord #5792 OmicronEta
  10. OmicronEtas Shop <i></i> - feel free to contact me ingame if u want to buy a poke - I will refuse your offer if i dont like it or if i dont like you - there will be no auctions - no trades - no bazar - 1cc = 500k - accept MS (small = 250k, normal = 500k, big = 1m) Under Construction Cooming back soon sold
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