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Everything posted by Searchndestroy

  1. U will Be Missed :Heart: From team Aqua Hope u some time come back and play Pokemon with us
  2. I would like to enter reason I need the Mouse is to Imporve Gaming In Pro Experince Ingame Time 400hrs Play on blue sever GoodLuck People Partipating Ign SearchNDestroy
  3. Just pm me whitch one u want i don't want very much for it
  4. ^.^ its for my shiny genn 4 dex so just msg me in game or send pm to inbox ...post here {ur choice} Pay Well
  5. go to cleadon department store top floor and buy a lemmonade
  6. Bump :) will update tonight
  7. I battled Keres I did not leave the house and it wont let me battle Sgath this is messted up Please help my team is https://imgur.com/a/7SJ2f and I Beat Keres
  8. Perhaps its good enough for u but not for all the players. Lot of players would be happy to fight in a tournament for win this pokemon. and lots of players don't want Legendairy Pokemon In game Not to add cus it takes fun out of it and blue already has a custom pokemon only to the sever titorgua
  9. Do not to support The 3 obtainable legendairies are goood enough -1
  10. Re: SearchnD's Shop <t>Pokes Are Starting to Show Up Expect good things to come</t>
  11. Just offer On any thing u like that is here All Category for example Dragon pokes Misc Pokes and High Lvl Pokemon Dragon Pokemon Misc Pokemon High Level Pokemon {Full evs} adding more :Angel: :Grin:
  12. Reload your client Meaning Log Out Hit Quit Re Enter the game and the icons should be gone
  13. Hi, have you spoken to the scientist at Cinnabar Lab yet? He'll present you with a Silver Disc, which you can revive into a Porygon. Also, in the future it would help if you could give a description of what you've tried so that we can help you troubleshoot what's going on. You Get Pyorgon From Jesse and James Boss You Must Have 1 Lvl 100 Pikachu and 5 other lvl 100's
  14. u can only battle 1 i think check it out @https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=122&t=9593
  15. -1 this would be unfair to the ppl who have already beat the game so far and don't want to start over. It should be a boss reward from oak or something like that
  16. Bid Away Edit Ends In 5 days Best Offer 1m lugirocks Buy out 3m {buaght by anamous user}[ for 2.7million and 1 ms] Status Trated
  17. this can become a huge problem i agree with you hopefully it gets added because it would make PvP less enjoyable.
  18. I have Played PvP ^.^ Its My Favorite Thing To Do On Sever
  19. These are Not Problems In the PvP world U can Counter them if you know how to
  20. Very Good Job Shane Keep up the good Work :y:
  21. Do Not Ask About Sever Status
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