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About Elikike123

  • Birthday 11/17/1991

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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. hi, i in *W* the sharpedo looks nice
  2. promised megas from the beginning of the game :´v
  3. Re: Softboiled and Unaware ability combined - Ban from ranked PvP or not? <t>ban :v +1</t>
  4. Hi a present this vietnamese manga Worlds Connections it is not translated :D: the commentator :Crazy: enter at your own risk :u link: https://m.blogtruyen.com/c274346/worlds-connection-chuong-1-ket-noi-nhung-the-gioi
  5. *w* nice
  6. i have the macho brace but just multiply evs, if you fight vs zubat (1 speed ev) only get 2 spd evs but if you use the power anklet you recive 5 evs, the power items give 4 evs each fight more the pokemon evs
  7. Hi, I have a suggestion, I want them to add the power items to the pvp coin shop, to train evs it gets boring when you can only go up 2 in 2, I know that the evs zone is on the safari but only reaches to raise 1 stat at a time . this is my suggestion, greetings. :Grin: sorry i use google translator :Shocked:
  8. if the legendarys can not be used in PvP is fine
  9. Tauros 150k
  10. Hi, I bring some images of the abandoned pokemon in sinnoh D: I hope it helps If you get another pokemon post it here
  11. Hola bienvenido :v en el chat "Other" en el juego todos hablan español, en el server red, no se en los demas suerte D:
  12. Hi, thanks for this opportunity to participate in the game. Name: elikike123 Dialogue: "Hi, Welcome to the jungle" Dialogue when user wins: ¡this is the power of the music! Dialogue when user loses: Never won when he heard november rain snif... Dialogue when battle on cooldown: "The music will not let you listen" Route/Location: random If possible you can put this look proof:
  13. edited monsters it's not fair
  14. from beta :v
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