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Everything posted by Saberkanade

  1. any staff here to solve my problem? i get like a months ago and still not get back my items
  2. Username: Saberkanade Server : Silver
  3. same
  4. the reroll npc only accept one time not twice? it is a bug? i only reroll one time only but not twice ???
  5. I have completed Darkrai quest but items like rare candy healings also tm Haven't returned to me. money is back though. whats going on?
  6. same problem please help +1
  7. 180K FOR skorupi ok?
  8. ● What's your Name/IGN? SaberKanade ● How old are you?24 ● Are you active in Discord?yes i AM ● Where are you from? China ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? 1198hrs and 3 times of a week or more ● What's your goal in PRO? PVP RANK 1 XD ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? because i am chronos old member!? ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? Garchomp since it is so cool ● What's your favorite animal and why? turtle and cat because they are cute~
  9. any information of rewards list?
  10. extra rewards for beat 3 times david ?
  11. victreebel and ninte i want it c.o
  12. his account name is hbunhappy please help him to recover his account he change email and still can,t find account name in login site
  13. Gm said to my friend to change email but he still can,t work anyone can help him?
  14. is that PRO is Gen5 so it will deal 0 damage if less than 1?
  15. All attacks will do at least 1 damage unless the move is not effective i saw the some pokemon damage calculation?
  16. sure his account name hbunhappy2 he will post
  17. username: hbunhappy and my friend did not use this username to login look like this
  18. here is the false swipe processing 3 times and my parasect was dead and i exchange kakuna and use Poison Sting
  19. i got some forum problems and my friend account didn,t find on forum but he actually can use that account name login in in pokemon revolution.net but forum canot find his request name any staff can help me
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