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Everything posted by Diego1206

  1. Wtb marowak-alola and pawniard
  2. Sold to Headsyoulose for 900k Insta = 1,5m Min Bid = 50k Reroll Ticket - 750k Nature Reroll - 350k Coin Capsule - 400k Masterball - 45k Rare Candy - 8k Ends 48 hours after 1st Bid. (03/04/21----04:49 AM) 5hs left
  3. Wtb 400k and 60k pawniards
  4. What hp does that 500k greninja have?
  5. Can you add your name on game at least?
  6. Please @Glaciate. Can you force the snorlax trade by 85k? The seller and me are cooperative but our timezones are too differente as you can see in the previous reply
  7. I guess I won (?)
  8. 85k for snorlax
  9. +1
  10. Starting offer: 100k Min bid: 50k Insta 500k CC=400k Ivs reroll=700k Aution ends in 24 hs after first offer
  11. I Buy 550k cloyster, 500k venusaur, jolly conke and tentacruel
  12. Any confirmation if Garchomp needs to be OT?
  13. I can´t see any poke on the list
  14. I'll buy: the 20, 30 and 29 speed gibles
  15. I'll start gabite: 200k
  16. Starting offer: 350k Min bid: 50k Insta 1 m CC=400k Ivs reroll=700k Aution ends in 48 hs after first offer
  17. Chansey sold to Siawlong
  18. Bump
  19. 500k in game by Siawlong
  20. Final offer: 500k by Siawlong Min bid: 50k Insta 1,2 m CC=380k Ivs reroll=700k rc=6k If the auction receives a bid during the last 15 minutes, the ending point is delayed to +15 minutes from that bid, until someone being the c.o. for 15minutes wins
  21. look. the time was up at 1:37 UTC according to the link. I offered at 1:36 UTC which means the aution ended at 1:51 UTC. You can just google that now its 2:37 UTC and the time the offer was posted
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