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Everything posted by Diego1206

  1. 400k kommo
  2. 340k kommo
  3. 320k kommo
  4. 300k kommo
  5. 220k kommo
  6. 200k kommo
  7. 180k kommo
  8. I think it was over 3 min ago, but if it continues, then 160k kommo
  9. 140k Kommo
  10. Sorry. I didn´t read that screenshot. 50k on wingull
  11. 225k goodra
  12. Start wingull and mudkip
  13. Bump
  14. .
  15. 600k. By the way, is there a time limit for this?
  16. Thank you very much!!! No, i´m good.
  17. Hello, I was wondering if it is possible to move this post from gold to silver: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/185312-diego´s-shop-updated-2802/ Thanks.
  18. Changing the password solved the problem. Thanks!!! P.D: Is it possible to move this shop from gold to silver? https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/185312-diego´s-shop-updated-2802/
  19. Hello, I´ve just free changed servers (from gold to silver) and I can´t connect to silver and if I try to connect on gold, I start the game from zero
  20. Conkeldurr sold
  21. Wtb service for 407, 464, 678 male, 685 and 746
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