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Everything posted by Paleo

  1. I don't think that's a bug. Probably yes :Grin:
  2. Wlecome! Enjoy PRO, Hoenn is close :P
  3. How many hours do you guys have? Might be related to ingame hours. 900+ ;) This bug is caused by crush during battle with legandary dogs. Problem should be solved when Oak's Pc will be updated with dogs data :)
  4. Can you get in live chat for a few minutes and ping me there (Jerry)? Sure, now I should be online for few hrs :) I'll try to catch u ;)
  5. Oak's Pc still telling me that everything is fine and NPC still doesn't allow me to fight Ho-Oh. Did we still need to wait for update?
  6. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS JESSIE AND JAMES !!] <r><QUOTE author="Cloudx"><s> </e></QUOTE> Pumpking King. Just boost your poke at Shackle ;)</r>
  7. Thank u Unknown :Exclam: I'll for sure report here if that works :)
  8. Gible is already unobtainable. Sorry.
  9. Paleo

    Dig Spots

    My Kabutops is ready to dig :Grin:
  10. Przypominam, że rekrutacja znów otwarta :Exclam:
  11. Bump, cause another player have same issue -> click. Still waiting for any help.
  12. Nope, there's a bug with that NPC, that Staff still doesn't noticed (as far I see). I reported it like 3 weeks ago HERE, I wasn't first and last from this players who reported that, but nobody answer up to this day :confused: Oak's PC doesn't help, I've cheked 3 times.
  13. I don't like this idea even a one bit ;p 5k isn't that much, u can easy get that much from NPCs, or wild pokes, even if u're a begginer. If staff will change Saffari to open, unlimited in time, acess wichout changing in spawns we can expect ton's of shiny scythers, tauroses, rhyhorns, kangas etc. in no time. Palayers from That Other Game, would know what happened, when Saffari was open to free access during just one weekend event.
  14. Blue, same as red are stil off ;) U can check status of servers here -> Serv.stat
  15. Cause this pokes are able to learn W.wind only by egg moves: Hippo Skar That's how pokemon games work. If u want to have Qwilfishi withs SD, u need to transfer it from past generations, when u want to have hoppi/skar with whirlwind it can't be wild, u need to breed it :Light:
  16. Qwil was able to learn SD only by tutor in II gen, sadly ;) https://veekun.com/dex/pokemon/qwilfish
  17. what is your name in game? i cant contact rphunterx. Same as here - Paleo :) I'll be online today in next one hr, and after that, like 10hr's from now :)
  18. I don't think more than 20 pokes sync fail in a row is a matter of luck. Also, i usually use Xatu sync and i have no problem with him so i'm almost sure there is a problem with alakazam... Did u're used Role Play? Maybe there's a issue with that move? Something with reseting ability after battle? I noticed same thing with my kadabra synchros, same my friends.
  19. Nope, u're wrong :) If wooper get confused, it's a bug - water absorb should negate all move effects too. Check -> https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Water_Absorb_(Ability)
  20. Welcome :) Btw, I would to ask u how are u feel with new pika name? :D
  21. Hi, 210k here ;)
  22. Hi, 260k for Sudo :Exclam:
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