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Everything posted by Xrevolutionx94

  1. Re: Who is your best buddy in PRO? Here's mine. <r>[align=center]<COLOR color="#800080"><s></s>Hmmm.... My fav buddies would haave to beeee...<e></e></COLOR>[/align]<br/> [align=center]<IMG src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/256587888081240064/267087837839491072/Screenshot_725.png"><s></e></IMG>[/align]<br/> [align=center]<IMG src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/218902525179461632/265302770972622848/Screenshot_579.png"><s></e></IMG>[/align]<br/> [align=center]<IMG src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/256587888081240064/267087928654561291/Screenshot_724.png"><s></e></IMG>[/align]<br/> [align=center]<IMG src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/218902525179461632/234563708158738432/Screenshot_66.png"><s></e></IMG>[/align]<br/> [align=center]<COLOR color="#4000BF"><s></s>Them <3<e></e></COLOR>[/align]</r>
  2. Re: Does Pokemon type factor into EXP gains? <r>Check this out <URL url="https://www.psypokes.com/lab/expguide.php">https://www.psypokes.com/lab/expguide.php</URL></r>
  3. Welcome to PRO, enjoy your adventure <3
  4. well il say if its real a good 25m+
  5. Well since its not shiny um not much :)
  6. Sure thing :) u have a little more then a day left on it
  7. Welcome to PRO/Forums (: Do enjoy your time <3
  8. Happy New Year!
  9. Welcome to PRO (: good luck to you and if you need any help feel free to pm me!
  10. :Heart: :Heart: :Heart:
  11. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=99&t=55952 Go here
  12. Kevin go to the tournaments section the go into official tournaments. From there you will find the tournament you seek read the rules and if you have met the requirements then signup!
  13. Wow x,D you have already New Years!
  14. Hello Bae welcome to the game *;)* Pm me if you need some "help" <3
  15. :Heart: They Tree :D It was fun to have you in our guild for the time being. Even thought it was only for a short time it still means a lot that your joined our family. I do sih you the best of luck irl and hope you come across great things (:!! P.s if you ever come back you're welcome back into RUKittenMe at any time <3 Byeeeee Grampsss :Heart:
  16. Yeah I thought toxic never missed when used by a poison type as well xD It may not be coded right.
  17. Hello, nice to meet you! Welcome to PRO and good luck!!! :Smile: :Heart:
  18. Hey hey heres my answers :Angel: :Angel: [glow=yellow]1st - What country are you from?[/glow] US [glow=yellow]2nd - What server are you?[/glow] I play both [glow=red]Red[/glow]and [glow=yellow]Yellow[/glow] But mostly [glow=Yellow]Yellow[/glow] :D [glow=yellow]3rd - Why did they choose this server?[/glow] It was pretty fresh and new at the time so I wanted to grow with the server and community :D [glow=yellow]4th - Are you happy on this server?[/glow] You bet! I'm also in a very fun guild :3 [glow=yellow]5th - What is your favorite Pokémon in the game (PRO) and in the all franchise?[/glow] Magmar <3 [glow=yellow]6th - And which Pokémon would you most like to own?[/glow] a SHINY METAGROSS PL :Angry: [glow=yellow]7th - What's your favorite shiny version in the Pokémon franchise?[/glow] Metagross ;D [glow=yellow]8th - And, finally, what does Pokémon mean to you?[/glow] Pokémon means a lot being that I watched every episode since I was akid and played every game that came out :3 so its a bit more then just a hobby if you know what I mean But I can for sure say I love it a lot <3
  19. Welcome to PRO ;D What server are you playing?? and cute grass pokemon...hmm try Leafeon, Cherubi, and Cottonee ;D
  20. Welcome to PRO! I do hope you enjoy your time ^-^
  21. Thanks for the event it was very fun :3
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