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Everything posted by Xrevolutionx94

  1. Re: RUKitten<Guild Shop> <r><QUOTE author="6Head"><s> </e></QUOTE> You win Bagon :D LAzypand will contact you :D</r>
  2. Closing very soon :D
  3. Just making sure that yall know... a lot of people cant access forums >.<
  4. [glow=red] [/glow] Insta=25m Insta = 30m Insta= 18m Insta = 20m Insta 20m Insta 25m Insta 18m Insta 12m Insta 10m Insta 10m Insta 8m Insta 15m Insta 8m Insta 12m insta 8m Insta 15m Insta 15m
  5. Welcome to PRO! Hope you enjoy yourself, and what server do you play O:?
  6. Welcome to PRO! Have fun <3
  7. Re: RUKitten<Guild Shop> <r><QUOTE author="HoopaDoopa"><s> </e></QUOTE> You have best offer.</r>
  8. Re: RUKitten<Guild Shop> <r><QUOTE author="Darkin"><s> </e></QUOTE> Sure you have b.o (:<e> </e></QUOTE> So regarding skarmory,whats going on?<e> </e></QUOTE> You won he waiting to catch you in game</r>
  9. Re: RUKitten<Guild Shop> <r><QUOTE author="6Head"><s> </e></QUOTE> Epicpokemon already made that bid :D</r>
  10. Re: RUKitten<Guild Shop> <r><QUOTE author="6Head"><s> </e></QUOTE> Sure you have b.o (:</r>
  11. Nice Shuckle <3
  12. Darkness \o/
  13. Re: RUKittenMe??? ~Yellow server~ <r><QUOTE author="Epicpokemon"><s> </e></QUOTE> I would like to know how many hours you have in game :D So far I like it all ;)</r>
  14. Re: RUKitten<Guild Shop> <r><QUOTE author="Epicpokemon"><s> </e></QUOTE> Its been 24 hours so ill contact the owner and let him know you won!<e> </e></QUOTE> how long end bid ?sir,and may i join your guild? tks <br/> -epicpokemon-<e> </e></QUOTE> 2days and if you put iin a application under our guild thread, we will get back to you asap :3</r>
  15. Welcome to PRO! Hope you enjoy Blue Server <3
  16. Re: WTS TALONFLAME H.A ADAMANT <t>3.2 m ;)</t>
  17. Whats going on with this Drago?
  18. Re: EDIT: Selling Shiny Dratini (Instant) !!! <t>>.......> :wut:</t>
  19. Re: RUKitten<Guild Shop> <r><QUOTE author="Darkin"><s> </e></QUOTE> Its been 24 hours so ill contact the owner and let him know you won!</r>
  20. Re: RUKitten<Guild Shop> <r><QUOTE author="Epicpokemon"><s> </e></QUOTE> you have b.o as of right now <3</r>
  21. Welcome to PRO! I hope you enjoy everything! <3
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