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Posts posted by Xrevolutionx94

  1. Re: Revos Halloween Tourny Yellow THE BRACKETS ARE MADE


    <r><QUOTE author="nicksupergod"><s>

    </s><POST content="291545"><s></s>291545<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="Gerard29"><s>
    </s><POST content="291542"><s></s>291542<e></e></POST> i can register now? e.e or its too late e.e<e>

    <QUOTE author="Gerard29"><s>

    </s><POST content="291542"><s></s>291542<e></e></POST> i can register now? e.e or its too late e.e<e>

    i think it is to late i think.... <E>:Shy:</E><e>


    It is too late I'm sorry :\</r>

  2. Re: Revos Halloween Tourny Yellow Sign ups are over!


    <r><URL url="https://challonge.com/tournaments/bracket_generator?ref=QH14N0cWbK"><LINK_TEXT text="https://challonge.com/tournaments/bracke ... QH14N0cWbK">https://challonge.com/tournaments/bracket_generator?ref=QH14N0cWbK</LINK_TEXT></URL> the brackets are set up and now were are just waiting on the set time please everyone in this post check up on this every day and during said date each our I will update as the battles progress ty (:</r>

  3. 290588 Heya.


    I'm Caelliox in game, I'm french and 15 y/o so forgive me beforehand for my English because it may be bad.


    So, I was looking up for a good Pokemon MMO since I've played all Pokemon games so far and I wanted to play that kind of game with a friend.

    Thus far, my team is made of : Blastoise 37, Nidoqueen 37, Brozong 37 and Growlithe 45, I've just beaten Erika (I discovered earlier that I shouldn't have evolve my Pokemon that early :c )

    Anyway, this game is really pleasant and the community is very active.

    I play on the Yellow Server.

    By the way, can someone explain me how the guild system work please ?


    See you in game !


    Welcome to pro if you ever need some help message me or come to vermillion city and ill be more then glad to lend you some help in advice/trade evos/ect ^-^

  4. 291150 Hey everyone!

    (Started in Alpha) I have decided to start up my own guild, that I decided to call “Evil-Geniuses”. You have may have seen me else where here on the forums or in-game. I want this guild to be consisting of mature players only. We'll have a discord group and eventually a Team speak if we get big enough.




    About Us:

    You join all these guilds/clans, and either there is too many people, and not good leadership, or you join one that is on the verge of failing, and zero activity.


    We are here to offer the best of the best. We aim to please our members by providing them with active, and on task leaders, and bringing in Quality members! We are not here to show numbers, We are here to get to know our fellow gamer , and build a gaming community everyone can call home.Evil-Geniuses is a group of players who honed their skills by Training with each other without whining like babies over it, when you play with each other you get good. we play for fun while still being competitive. Our guild is very easy going, we have to be because if your not you will not be in this guild very long. If anyone is wanting to join just talk to any of the crew mates and your request will be taken into consideration by the leader .



    At least 50 hours of game play! This is to ensure you meet the experienced and dedicated requirement!

    Have at least 4 Kanto badges!

    Good microphone!

    Fun-loving attitude!

    Experienced with Pokemon and PRO!


    Fill these out if you wish to join.

    1. What is your name in PRO?

    2. How many badges do you have?

    3. What is your goal in PRO?

    4. How much do you know about PRO and pokemon?





    Goodluck waff :3

  5. 290965 Tbh actually the main problem on PRO , isn't goth talon or the lack of item & etc . It's all thoose bug caused by hazard (weather being induced after suiciding a pokemon (let's be honest almost every weatherteam player are abusing that fact bcs it's broken af), match freezing after a pokemon dying by hazard , turn skipped suiciding a pokemon (oh [Censored] a gyarados freely switched into me after a k.o or a good prediction ,[Censored] he's going to dd ->no problem i can still suicide a pokemon i own low hp into hazard to skip his turn so he can't pull off a DD , well done !(same as weather bug abuse , ppl know that bug verywell) , pokemon counter being fked with pokémon dying too harzard and cie...) And status/lum berry being bugged , loosing because you die from a scald and the burn finish you off when you got a lum on you is so much [Censored] ,or either some sableye trying to stall out some azumarill abusing burn&lum thing .

    yeah I used to pvp a lot but when I started to see all the bugs in the game I stoped a lot I lay like 5 pvp matches a day if that now... I agree with this fully a lot of it needs to get fixed asap

  6. 290788 Does Facade work like it's supposed to? I did a quick search and didn't find anything. I heard some time ago that Hex doesn't, so I thought Facade might not either. Confirmation would be great. Thanks in advance!

    Yes sir it works as so

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