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Posts posted by Xrevolutionx94

  1. 283826 -Starting offer : 7m / Instant price: 16m

    -offers below 100k from previous one will not be acceptable

    -Ends monday 18:00 gmt brazil

    -Instant price is negotiable! Pm ingame for negotiations, acept some coins too.

    even tho I won the acution for this on pro and you then decline to go here I guess ill offer 7m....

  2. 283203 Hello,

    Some of you might already know me as Clockspeed. However, that account was permanently banned for something stupid I did. I wanted to leave PRO but soon I realized that I can't do it as I still love the game and community, especially my family in my Guild. So I decided to make a new account and here I am, Inheritance. Of course I've learned from my mistake and I really hope the community will still accept me as I am now.


    As for myself, I live in Indonesia, currently studying at a university majoring at Informatics Engineering. My hobbies are basketball and playing games, and I'm a car enthusiast. Hope to meet you guys soon in game :Smile:

    Welcome back hope all goes well for you and good luck!

  3. 282488 ----------------------------Selling these 4 shinies--------------------------------------



    1. Shiny Diglett

    S/O (Starting Offer): 20k

    C/O (Current Offer): ??

    B/O (Buyout): 40k




    2. Shiny Psyduck

    S/O (Starting Offer): 30k

    C/O (Current Offer): ??

    B/O (Buyout): 50k




    3. Shiny Seedot


    Sold to Mobifone for B/O (Buyout): 2m




    4. Shiny Anorith

    C/O (Current Offer): 3.5m (By xrevolutionx94) 10:41 AM PST (10:41 PM PST = 12hrs/Win the bid/auction)

    B/O (Buyout): 5m







    MS Value - 400k

    B/O (Buyout) prices will be added later on if it takes a while to sell any of them.


    -----PLEASE READ------


    Edited: This post will be up until Friday 3pm PST, or until all shinies are sold. Highest bidder/bidders at the end of Friday 3pm PST will win the auction/auctions and I will close this post.


    Edited: B/O (Buyouts) have been added for all shinies for those who "Really, Really" want it.


    Edited: Added Rule for Biddings/Offerings

    Starting now, If you are the sole holder of the C/O (Current Offer) for at least 12hrs without anyone else bidding higher, I will sell you that shiny/shinies and close off any further bids for it/them. (I will keep track of your time from when you bid based off of my time(PST))




    I have the rights to refuse any offers/deals if I deem it unreasonable.


    I'm in Pacific Standard Time(PST), so I'll try my best to check in every now and then to update offers.


    With that said, Happy bidding and Hope to see you all in game! :Grin:

    I'll numb my 3.5m bid to 3.8m

  4. 282239 Hello guys! It's me Crisjan2134 :D I hope you are having a good day.

    I'm a filipino guy who loves watching and playing pokemon.

    I'm 18 years old and I'm still new to this game and I hope some of you would help or assist me everything about this game.

    Spread the love, cease hate :D

    Welcome! Hope you enjoy pro (:

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