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Posts posted by Xrevolutionx94

  1. Re: Revos Halloween Tourny Yellow server


    <r><QUOTE author="thejollypear"><s>

    </s><POST content="288684"><s></s>288684<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="xrevolutionx94"><s>
    </s><POST content="288681"><s></s>288681<e></e></POST> Actually ill make a Christmas tournament for red :3 so very soon xD<e>




    </s><IMG src="




    Can't wait.<e>


    Done xD</r>

  2. Re: Revos Halloween Tourny Yellow server


    <r><QUOTE author="thejollypear"><s>

    </s><POST content="288023"><s></s>288023<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="iRuffles"><s>
    </s><POST content="288021"><s></s>288021<e></e></POST> I want to join iRuffles :D<e>


    Ruffles us red players can't join. SERVERIST!<br/>


    <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/I0XGfyy.gif"><s></e></IMG><e>


    Actually ill make a Christmas tournament for red :3 so very soon xD</r>

  3. 285816 So, I initially started playing PRO back in the December release in 2015, but had stopped after some time. I've been playing the last few days and hopefully will be sticking around this time, as it's clear a lot of content (including my favorite Hoenn T~T) has finally been introduced and added. Glad to be back and feel like the game has more keeping me interested/invested.

    welcome back and good luck (:

  4. 274825 Hello! I dearly love Pokémon, and I somehow came across this PokéMMO, which I have seen many of. This one, only at a glance, seems incredibly special in terms of the dedication and effort which is imbued into the project, so I am a tad eager to download the game and join community with Pokémon! Gosh, I really love Pokémon!


    Eagerly and Sincerely,

    - Uh, BatBox, I guess.

    Well I hope you enjoy everthing and if you decide to join yellow I'll be more then glad to assist you through the game with any questions you have (:

  5. I dont know if this has ben mentioned at all but I run a sandstorm team and and there are a lot of ppl that run ninetails and when I have a poke that has the ability *sand rush* or others and a ninetails is switched it sometimes its drought some times its not and I don't like playing a close game and having to wonder bc the weather effects are not right could you guys please look into fixing this? Screenshot_97.png

  6. Re: RUKittenMe??? Recruiting! ~Yellow server~


    <r><QUOTE author="SugarRed9"><s>

    </s><POST content="286146"><s></s>286146<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="ShugoOokami"><s>
    </s><POST content="262765"><s></s>262765<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="xrevolutionx94"><s>

    Noted ^.^<e>


    Be one of us.... beeee one of ussss... <E>:devil:</E> <E>:devil:</E><e>


    When the wise and powerful shugooo tells the future :D<e>



  7. You must start with new poke although your pokes get locked into your pc up until you beat the 8th gym of that region. I recommend taking all items off your pokes before you travel regions. Hope this helps good luck!


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