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Everything posted by Longlakenby

  1. Sell shiny post here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=111
  2. Worth 20k-50k
  3. ~50k for it
  4. Re: Softboiled and Unaware ability combined - Allow or Ban from ranked PvP or not? <t>Ban. Tks</t>
  5. 150k-200k
  6. i think it can worth 8m+
  7. 150k/each
  8. Your pkm worth 150k-300k
  9. Shiny 200k Conkeldurr ~100k-150k
  10. Gligar, trapinh 5k-10k Hauter ~20k Umbreon 20k Gengar ~50k
  11. Clawitzer 150k-200k Pangoro ~350k
  12. Re: Price Check Lucario <t>~400k-500k</t>
  13. Rate 3/10, 20k-30k
  14. Re: Longlakenby Shop <r><QUOTE author="NatsuZ" post_id="443178" time="1505607665" user_id="934579"><s> </e></QUOTE> 200k</r>
  15. 2k-5k for dex
  16. Tks !!! Nice :D
  17. Re: EPIC Dusknoir <r><QUOTE author="Faiden" post_id="442831" time="1505515507" user_id="1712259"><s> </e></QUOTE> Sold by u, pm me ig: longlakenby</r>
  18. why so low price with this stat? It's common, don't rare
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