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Everything posted by Prehax

  1. [mention]BYF11 [/mention] I didn't say that at all but yeah say what you want :D I just gave a "constructive" comment and gave an answer to everything cham. mentioned meh read posts first. :) There is also no need to argue with a total stranger over it. Enjoy your day. (linked my post history not to show off my posts rather to show that those aren't "only" toxic as you claim they are)
  2. [mention]Stilg[/mention] There is no need to get a confirmation for that as it is covered in READ THIS BEFORE MAKING GENERAL SUPPORT TOPIC!. Also non of the staff members is an employee, they are volunteering.
  3. Hello [mention]Stilg[/mention], sadly it is not possible to reset an account, you can start over on a new server or create a new account but please make sure you only have up to 4 accounts at the same time (2 per e-mail address).
  4. [mention]chameleon[/mention] I mean it could be DragonSlayerx212321 or you, wouldn't matter to me. I wasn't aiming to personally attack you but come on, all you read in this forum is pure salt in the past few days, yeah you gave Arnie credit for the quest but other than that? The same issue was there with Mew/Celeib/Jirachi and? We will have the chance to re-capture those soon and I assume we will have the chance to re-capture the Dogs maybe after this as well? ( Suggestion Thread ) 1 Win now + 3x 12 days = 36 days, not sure where those 44 days are coming from and for your information I didn't get the Dog as well on my first try (I only got the dog duo to the bug with the dialog spamming). It was a bug duo Arnie putting in the "swap-NPC" after he announced that the Dogs will be able to have their Event moves (e.g Entei with Extreme Speed). The bug itself was fixed pretty quick and only the person who discovered the bug had two dogs (4 people were attempting it though). The person kept the better dog and released the other, nobody was banned. [mention]BYF11[/mention] The majority of my posts in the past 1-2 months were in Playground/General Support/Meet & Greet and yeah it's true that I had a few salt posts here and there but those are certainly not the majority of my posts. Sad to see you visit the forum like once every 1-2 months. Anyway, enjoy the rest of your day/night.
  5. Re: Legendary Dogs Guide [Added Full Requirements] (Update: 5/9/17) [New Rewards: Tepig, Oshawott, Blitzle] <t>[mention]Slenderxx[/mention] <br/> Water Ball = Suicune<br/> Zap Bell = Raikou<br/> Lava Bell = Entei<br/> <br/> you can change it only once!</t>
  6. always the same old salt post, meh nothing new about that too :)
  7. [mention]Surrender[/mention] It is a new game so you have to start from 0, also "PRO 2.0" isn't the real name, it's an entire new game so all your progress here means nothing over there then. Shane already said that he will give people who transfer over to the new game some sort of "bonus".
  8. Hello [mention]SwagamanJaro[/mention], the move "Covet" is a pre-evolution only move for Primeape, this means that ONLY Mankey can learn Covet. There is already a pre-evolution tutor on the suggestion list, so it might be implemented in the future but for now there is nothing you can do about it sadly. Primeape can learn "Thief" so you might go for this move :P
  9. Re: Legendary Dogs Guide [Added Full Requirements] (Update: 5/9/17) [New Rewards: Tepig, Oshawott, Blitzle] <t>[mention]Donleomon[/mention] Endgame content = not easy to reach/spent time to get</t>
  10. Re: Legendary Dogs Guide (Update: 5/9/17) [New Rewards: Tepig, Oshawott, Blitzle] <r>[mention]Somes[/mention] <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/flkWMmv.png"><s></e></IMG> maybe this? xd</r>
  11. Re: Legendary Dogs Location (Update: 5/9/17) [New Rewards: Tepig, Oshawott, Blitzle] <t>[mention]shuying074[/mention] just one Dog for everyone :D</t>
  12. Re: Legendary Dogs Location [suicune,Entei,Raikou] (Update: 5/9/17) <t>[mention]Somes[/mention] SUICUNE GUARD gave Choice Specs iirc</t>
  13. Re: Legendary Dogs Location :) (Entei, Suicune, Raikou) TOPIC UNDER DEVELOPMENT <t>[mention]Donleomon[/mention] "Endgame-content"</t>
  14. Re: Legendary Dogs Location :) (Entei, Suicune, Raikou) TOPIC UNDER DEVELOPMENT <t>[mention]Chams3110[/mention] Yes you can beat all 3</t>
  15. Re: Legendary Dogs Location :) (Entei, Suicune, Raikou) TOPIC UNDER DEVELOPMENT <t>[mention]Adm1ral[/mention] Yes that's what I did :)</t>
  16. Re: Legendary Dogs Location :) (Entei, Suicune, Raikou) TOPIC UNDER DEVELOPMENT <r><QUOTE author="Iruka" post_id="383684" time="1494283908" user_id="173129"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> 1</r>
  17. Hello [mention]Tobyy[/mention], sadly the move "Ice Shard" is only a pre-evolution move, this means you can not learn it as Cloyster. A pre-evolution move tutor is already on suggestion list, so it might get implemented in the future but for now there is nothing you can do about it.
  18. Re: Legendary Dogs Location :) (Entei, Suicune, Raikou) TOPIC UNDER DEVELOPMENT <t>Arnie - Today at 20:19<br/> no, if u want a GUARANTEED drop, then yes, u will have to beat him 4 times without losing<br/> however, there is a chance per battle that he will appear<br/> <br/> [mention]Somes[/mention] add this :D</t>
  19. Re: Legendary Dogs Location :) (Entei, Suicune, Raikou) TOPIC UNDER DEVELOPMENT <r>[mention]Somes[/mention] <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/NH1p5dH.png"><s></e></IMG> no money as well</r>
  20. Re: Legendary Dogs Location :) (Entei, Suicune, Raikou) TOPIC UNDER DEVELOPMENT <t>[mention]Somes[/mention] 3 PP ups and 60k from the Suicune Guardian</t>
  21. Re: Legendary Dogs Location :) (Entei, Suicune, Raikou) TOPIC UNDER DEVELOPMENT <t>PreHOAX here, good guide kek</t>
  22. https://imgur.com/a/wIq6K 12 days cooldown, team and reward in the album New Guardian Route25 Cave, I choose Entei as my Johto Dog
  23. Hello [mention]halvoure[/mention], not entirely sure if this is possible unless you made a miss purchase on the wrong server o.o
  24. Hello [mention]TzRekJad[/mention], yes, the tutor is in Dragons Shrine, it is also the Lance NPC Boss.
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