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Everything posted by Prehax

  1. Hello [mention]aurantz[/mention], Download the game here --> Downloads extract the .rar file into your desired locaton the folder should look like start the .exe I assume you dragged out the .exe into another place :P
  2. Hello [mention]elandi0[/mention], just wait 5-10 minutes and try to log-in again, it will work and if not, just wait another 5 minutes and re-try until you can log-in.
  3. start with 200k
  4. [mention]ihatebrother[/mention] send you a discord invite link in PMS :3
  5. Re: ♦ ShinyCloneXmasShop ♦ [Wailord/Ambipom/Houndoom/more ~ 5/6/17] <t>[mention]Cnnblt[/mention] Add me in-game</t>
  6. guess Pokemon related kek
  7. [mention]Tito017[/mention] I have almost 3000 hours and this beauty
  8. [mention]Tito017[/mention] I already saw it :cry: glad for him but yeah I am salty about it for sure
  9. [mention]Nausa[/mention] Welcome to PRO and enjoy your stay! :heart:
  10. [mention]jnasalenga[/mention] Welcome! :D
  11. Re: ♦ Coin/ItemShop ♦ MS's+items/Lifeorbs ♦ [big overhaul/new prices - 5/6/17] <t>bump ~</t>
  12. Re: ♦ ShinyCloneXmasShop ♦ [Wailord/Ambipom/Houndoom/more ~ 5/6/17] <t>bump ~</t>
  13. Re: ♦ Auctions ♦ Miltank/max speed Excadrlll/Sceptile/Bisharp ♦ [two new mons added 5/6/17] <t>bump ~</t>
  14. Re: ♦ PokeShop ♦ 35 PVP ready Poke ♦ [90% is below 500k - 5/6/17] <t>bump ~</t>
  15. [mention]Shane[/mention] Ay you decided on the Switch! Good luck everyone :heart:
  16. [mention]Arielgg[/mention] Amazon Forest Johto Pichu "Morning,Day,Night" [Light Ball] I am fairly sure that this still counts :P
  17. [mention]Arielgg[/mention] I am not entirely sure where the "Colbur Berry" is from the but the "Payapa Berry" is a Helditem from Mankey in Route 22 and Route 42. I am also not sure if there are other Berry Helditems in the game but tmk only the Payapa is one. Wanna add Berry Helditems from wild pokemon as well? :Smile:
  18. [mention]Arielgg[/mention] Good guide, very complete but to my knowledge the lvl50 "Berry Tower-challenge" is for free and the "Elite Berry Tower-challenge" costs 2000$. Berry Towers
  19. Prehax


    Hello [mention]xXDI3GOXx[/mention], you can check the Dashboard for the reason and the duration of your ban, if it's not listed in there please ask in your Discipline Appeal. :P
  20. Good luck :heart:
  21. [mention]AliceLiddel[/mention] Welcome :3
  22. [mention]FlightlessMacaw[/mention] Please go ahead and do what I suggested in the first place remove everything PRO related freshly download PRO extract the .rar file into a new folder try again
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