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About 5tryker

  • Birthday 03/27/1989

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    First Lieutenant of Brazilian Air Force
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Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. A staff member called several players stupid and idiots, as described in several posts here... And after that, he spent a whole night on Discord making fun of the people who are posting here. Is this type of posture allowed? @Shinohara
  2. The person just thinks it's okay to call others stupid and idiot. Need to say something else?
  3. I think he didn't want to quote you but the Q8 who posted something and deleted it.
  4. Aside from all the arguments already used, this will clearly increase the amount of games going on at the same time. +1
  5. Your DS dont work. Add-me Stryker#1707
  6. Still available? Call me. Stryker#1707
  7. Helo! I am interested in contracting the service. Full story + metro and teleport and mega bracelet. Call me on Discord. Stryker#1707
  8. Fala Nyong! Te adicionei no Discord, assim que possível me aceite lá, ou caso tenha dado algo errado, me add Stryker#1707. De todo modo, seja bem vindo, como você bem sabe, a guild é totalmente focada em PvP e é ideal que os membros se esforcem até o dia 20 ter pego o rating necessário por conta dos planejamentos pela briga do TOP LADDER GUILD mensal. No mais, quando nos falarmos te passo melhor os detalhes.
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