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Everything posted by Coono

  1. Minccino: jolly, skill link Lillipup: jolly, intimidate/adamant, sand rush Chansey: modest, serene grace
  2. Message me
  3. S/O 400k, 24 hours from starting bid
  4. Thanks dude at least I dont need to worry about the screen shot now lol
  5. Auction started, I tried to post screenshot of the offer but it keeps telling me the file is too large? Never had that happen before lol
  6. Bump, added larvesta
  7. Sold to kirita for 350k ty all!
  8. It's already hard enough to get good pokes, making it harder will only dissuade newer players from playing. Not smart to cater exclusively to the minority 10,000 hour crowd, you dont wanna be left with just that. I dont see this as a good move for PRO at all, the "benefits" are INCREDIBLY minor and the cons are colossal. For the good of PRO as a whole... hard, hard NO from me.
  9. Ah ok I understand, I was initially confused as to why I couldnt since it was a reworked boss, ah well. Ty!
  10. Was my first time fighting him this go around and it was the first server crash, Waleed from discord said it's a roll back issue and to post here?
  11. So its basically like public trades like PTCGO has?
  12. Bump
  13. 200k start
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