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Everything posted by Celestic

  1. Re: GGplay's Shop: Pokemon and Items (Metal Coats Rare Candy) <t>EDIT/ <br/> <br/> 250k leads,<br/> <br/> MS is valued at 110k max.</t>
  2. Re: GGplay's Shop: Pokemon and Items (Metal Coats Rare Candy) <r><QUOTE author="aymanex15"><s> </e></QUOTE> for magmar?</r>
  3. Re: GGplay's Shop: Pokemon and Items (Metal Coats Rare Candy) <r><QUOTE author="aymanex15"><s> </e></QUOTE> well there is no auction for this. i can sell you 2 natus for 50k each if you need them for sync. you know</r>
  4. Re: GGplay's Shop: Pokemon and Items (Metal Coats Rare Candy) <r><QUOTE author="LajatoRafael"><s> </e></QUOTE> there is no auction. i never said there would be any.<br/> <QUOTE author="aymanex15"><s> </e></QUOTE> new BO<br/> <QUOTE author="aymanex15"><s> </e></QUOTE> ok, BO for both 50k</r>
  5. Re: GGplay's Shop: Pokemon and Items (Metal Coats Rare Candy) <r><QUOTE author="LajatoRafael"><s> </e></QUOTE> you have BO</r>
  6. Re: GGplay's Shop: Pokemon and Items (Metal Coats Rare Candy) <t>Eevee sold for 150k<br/> Spheal for 15k<br/> Slowpoke for 25k</t>
  7. Re: GGplay's Shop: Pokemon and Items (Metal Coats Rare Candy) <r><QUOTE author="jacotrica"><s> </e></QUOTE> bo</r>
  8. Re: GGplay's Shop: Pokemon and Items (Metal Coats Rare Candy) <t>up</t>
  9. Gyra is the way. Use dragon dance to sweep. Your set could look like this: Dragon Dance Crunch Ice Fang Aqua Tail Try to train the Atk EVs to 252. This should carry you through E4
  10. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New] <t>at route 37 you actually have sentrets growlithes and stantlers who also give atk ivs and not only ariados and spinarak</t>
  11. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New] <t>really cool. thank you</t>
  12. Wünsche ich auch.
  13. hi der Server ist die ganze Zeit voll. Du musst ganz oft probieren. Irgendwann erwischst du mal einen Moment wo wieder ein Platz frei ist. Geduld heißt hier die Devise. EDIT: Achte auch nicht darauf was der dir für eine Statusmeldung im Login Bildschirm anzeigt. Die ist auch meißt gebugged. Also einfach ganz oft probieren bis es klappt.
  14. </SIZE> Gain good stuff! <SIZE size="150">The Rules: 1. Just make offers. 2. I start the auction when there is a good BO. 3. Fake Bids get reported. LVL 100 Poke: Other Poke: Hidden Ability Tangelas Tangela Regenerator Rash Tangela Regenerator Lax Tangela Regenerator Sassy Hippopotas Impish Rhyorn 1 Adamant Rhyorn 2 Adamant Rhyorn 3 Adamant Umbreon Adamant BO 50k Umbreon Modest BO 50k Tentacool Timid Tentacruel Bold SOLD Donphan Adamant 1 Donphan Adamant 2 Charmander Timid Starly Adamant BO 50k Togepi Bold Happiny Bold 1 Happiny Hardy 2 Happiny Bold 3 Happiny Bold 4 SOLD Clefairy Calm 1 Clefairy Calm 2 Cleffa Bold 3 Slowpoke 1 Slowpoke 2 Slowpoke 3 Slowpoke 4 SOLD Slowpoke 5 BO 10k Slowpoke 6 Items 3x Metal Coat (10k each) Sold Eevee Adamant BO 150k Spheal Bold BO 15k Slowpoke Bold 25k Magmar 360k
  15. Hi ingame name: GGplay Ich war unter den ersten 50 Gametestern von Pro (deswegen auch seit März den Acc.). Habe aber irgendwie das game wieder aus den Augen verloren weil alles ziemlich lange gedauert hat. Jetzt habe ich wieder angefangen und fände eine chillige Gilde ziemlich cool. Gruß GGplay
  16. yes Kanto. Thanks. Did you train them to about lvl 80?
  17. Hi just curious what you used to beat them.
  18. Re: $2,000,000 PokeDollar Give-Away for 1st PRO X-MAS! <t>Merry Christmas PRO! 672</t>
  19. Celestic

    Rare Hunters

    Well, that is generous. Maybe some of the teammembers will support you with some pokes which can be used as prizes.
  20. Celestic

    Rare Hunters

    I just thought that you would maybe create something like a guild-bank to store pokemon which you could use as prizes for rare-hunter-tournaments.
  21. Celestic

    Rare Hunters

    May i ask if the people who find the pokemon of the organised hunts can keep it if they win the prize?
  22. https://i.imgur.com/Gb7CKYF.png Surge: it should be: He saved my neck so many times with his visions... ✓
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