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Everything posted by Celestic

  1. Best offer 1.1m and around 8 hours left
  2. My discord is Celestic#7113 feel free to message me otherwise I’m online in around 8-9 hours from now
  3. I buy the 300k vulpix alola please lay it aside for me I’ll contact you ingame as soon as I catch you
  4. Best offer 700k now around 19 hours left
  5. BUMB around 24 hours left
  6. Noted best offer 600k now about 38 hours left
  7. Auction started around 46 hours left
  8. Selling this Shiny Start 500k Insta 3.5m Min Raise 100k Timer 48 hours after the first bid
  9. i buy relaxed ha one 200k Message me Discord Celestic#7113 to get a time for trade
  10. 350 noivern
  11. sry i wasnt able to come online yesterday Im online now You can also add me in discord Celestic#7113 for better communication
  12. Buy bold reuniclus 300k
  13. I offer 250k on vullaby and 250k on noivern
  14. Start 300k Insta 1.5m Min raise 100k 48 hours after first bid GL
  15. Start naive 31 speed riolu
  16. BUMB Updated added some new mons and deleted some old ones :)
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