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Everything posted by Celestic

  1. 1.4
  2. Drifblim Sold BU;MB
  3. People using bots or fishy techniques to not dc for inactivity in hidden places was a problem in pro when bosses used to have hour requirements in my opinion this would only reward players who break the rules to reach those requirements and therefor a -1 from me
  4. Forretress Sold BUMB
  5. Some pokemon Sold BUMB
  6. Auction over @kasu54lemme know when you are online or hit me up in discord Celestic#7113
  7. Auction started Around 43 hours left
  8. Start 2m Insta 4.5m Min Raise 100k Time 48 hours after the first bid Can also contact me in Discord: Celestic#7113
  9. Start Marowak
  10. BUMB Shop completly updated Over 30 new Pokemon!
  11. Im pretty sure asking other people to offer after you already pm me saying i bought it and while trying to arrange a trade ingame is against the rules. But since im not sure ill let @Hawluchaadecide that. Till its solved i kindly ask you to keep it so there wont be any trouble later.
  12. Just to solve so possible confusion here. I did not "offer" 150k ... you said the price is 150k and i bought it. It nowhere states its an auction and i dont think its really fair to ask other people to outbid me when you already sold it to me.
  13. i buy 150k yamask lemme know when you are online
  14. GL mate nice shiny
  15. start 100k
  16. i buy crawdaunt
  17. Buy impish duskull 50k,sassy pineco 50k,impish roggenrola 50k pm me discord celestic#7113 or here when you are online
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