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Everything posted by Celestic

  1. @xSubarux epic Mixed victreebel 600k
  2. @YASIRALIKHAN786 no ty I’ll stick to 450k
  3. Im in bed already Feel free to pm me in discord Celestic#7113 We can do the trade tomorrow
  4. Buy adamant justified arcanine And timid ha tenta if those still there
  5. @YASIRALIKHAN786 450k avalugg
  6. @AquxyolChaos I have this im selling for 400k
  7. @Chizune Mantine 650k
  8. 65k for shieldon @Animesh3011 and im also big fan :3
  9. @Weaponsx riolu sold already sry i forgot to update the thread
  10. @AquxyolChaos i do have a chansey indeed I can send you a picture tomorow
  11. Added some spicy new stuff 2x Dusclops eviolite tanks 2x Bronzor brave trick room Porygon-z quiet trick room Porygon-z naive Dodrio adamant Florges Bold All have nice IV and prices are negotiable as usual ^-^
  12. 300k for 20+
  13. sold and traded can be closed
  14. Start 1m min bid 100k Insta 3.5m time 48 hours after first bid CC = 360k / Reroll = 750k
  15. 110 magnezone
  16. 90k magnezone
  17. Alot sold but im to lazy to name all i just deleted the pics
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