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Everything posted by Celestic

  1. How long is this auction going tho ?
  2. I offer 500 swampert
  3. Need alot of level balls I pay 500 pokedollar each and need as many as possible
  4. Added some nice mons: Jolly HA nice IV Shroomish 2x Timid nice IV Riolu perfect for mega Lucario hyyyyyype 20+ Magikarp to flex on your friends with mega Gyarados 2x Jolly Poison Heal Shroomish most solid flase swiper All for decent prices :3
  5. im online yes you can also pm me in discord celestic#7113
  6. Several Pokemon SOLD
  7. Start 100k
  8. Weedle sold will added Thread later
  9. Selling this dude Start is 100k Insta is 1.5m min raise 50k Auction end 48 hours after first bid
  10. @GloryousCrystal 70k
  11. Epic Machamp SOLD Pawniard SOLD Epic Gible SOLD
  12. @iAnTV the pawni is sold sadly the growlithe i can do 50k
  13. @iAnTV sry but I sold it already just had no time to update the shop yet
  14. @Rinvi i will look later but it’s not ice
  15. @cainseth shieldon cost 70k
  16. Server Silver Accidently released this one ^-^'
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