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Everything posted by Championdavid

  1. what to do after all regions and bosses?
  2. Re: ► Boss Guide - updated 22/09/17 - Letrix/Prof. Rowan added - All bosses/rewards/requirements ◄ <t>this is disgustingly well-formatted. Great job</t>
  3. Why 90 percent though? Are there certain bosses this doesnt work well on or is it because of crits? I thought that reducing the atk/spatk of the opponent pokemon would be a viable strategy, but I didn't really go for it. Thanks for sharing the strat.
  4. @PreHax Thanks for the guide! I think under the section for the lake that requires a max happiness Starly, we can add a tip (got max happiness from default within 5 minutes, got the idea from watching one of Carlho's quick lvling videos). *Recommended for the Starly to be very low lvl to max happiness through this method asap* If you have a pokemon with false swipe (and ideally holding the item "Black Sludge," but not necessary), you can send that pokemon into battle first, keep spamming false swipe until your pokemon faints, and switch into Starly (ideally holding "Soothe Bell"). Starly learns quick attack at lvl 5 so you will have the priority and be able to faint the opposing pokemon since false swipe should have lowered it to 1 HP. You gain a lot of happiness upon leveling, and your Starly would level a lot through this method. I recommended surfing south of Sandgem and doing this method on wild, evolved pokemon (they give more exp). Or, you can just surf in the Verity Lake.
  5. why name it piplup aaaaaaaa
  6. get good
  7. I do not believe so. My Togekiss is not able to learn Baton Pass or other pre-evo moves from a Move Buffet.
  8. Ex: Togekiss cannot learn baton pass via the move tutors. However, its pre-evolutions, Togepi and Togetic, can at lvl 41. The only way Togekiss can currently have baton pass is for the Togekiss to learn baton pass in one of it's earlier evolutionary stages and evolve into the Togekiss. From viewing multiple threads on the same topic from the past, I have not seen a conclusion from a staff member. Yes, I understand that this skill learning is something that is consistent with the main games. However, I think allowing pokemon to be able to learn their pre-evo moves is a quality-of-life change. Frankly, I think not being able to learn pre-evo moves is utterly unnecessary.
  9. get on PRO -> check boss cooldown times -> not ready -> cry -> waste time doing absolutely nothing in PRO -> close the game
  10. By bench you mean release? I like the idea. While not necessary, it would certainly be a quality-of-life change. Outside of possibly shifting the staff's focus on more important possible implementations, I am not sure why people are opposing the idea. Though, the "pop-up" should be able to be turned on/off.
  11. question your purpose in life after making the epiphany that youve sent many hours on a game
  12. welcome to PRO
  13. Are you still doing the daycare?
  14. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated June 4th 2017] <t>As a side note, the phione that can be spawned after defeating "Boss" on Two Island (im assuming it is not 100 percent chance) is lvl 30. It will still be in the house if you leave and re-enter.</t>
  15. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated June 4th 2017] <t>For Greinjak , can a dual type pokemon be used twice for the criteria?<br/> Ex: Using Greninja for both the dark and water type requirements. Meaning, if dual types can be used to fulfill the requirements, then we would only, in the best scenario, need 3 pokemon to fulfill the requirements and have the other 3 slots available for any pokemon.</t>
  16. I am disappointed by the reasoning; there are certainly better ways to reinforce the MMO aspect of PRO than trade evolutions.
  17. #subnation
  18. I would say yes because I'm selfish :Smile:
  19. Most Liked: Snorlax Least liked: Zubat
  20. It seems that this integration of pokemon for Ravine has been removed...extremely disappointing for someone who was looking forward to the battle
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