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About Deibiido

  • Birthday 11/28/2001

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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. start mawile
  2. 951k
  3. for more context https://youtu.be/bmVOkwkBeW0?si=rfXe-UriSCW10FcA people shinyhunt in games like this, they use the same input to move on 4 different games
  4. With this Halloween event I want to farm a lot, so I was going to take out my laptop, set up the secondary account and farm at the same time as with the desktop. But I was wondering if I could use the same keyboard to farm on both accounts at the same time. I mean, technically I'm doing everything manually but the movements are made on two accounts at the same time so I don't know if that's bannable or not. Thanks in advance
  5. fighting
  6. S.O. 500K Min raise 100k CC = 410K IVRR = 500K Ends 48h after the first bid No insta btw U can offer in forum or in game
  7. 151k
  8. 550k rotom
  9. start drilbur 24 atk 25 spd and 26 atk 28 spd
  10. im online rn, if u have some time we can meet
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