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Silverage last won the day on August 16 2019

Silverage had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About Silverage

  • Birthday March 4

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Advanced Trainer

Advanced Trainer (4/12)



  1. Pm me ingame or on discord when you can take it
  2. Azurill c.o 550k by Firebatt
  3. Start Jellicent
  4. Hello, I'm currently hosting an auction for those poké Calm Mantine 25+ beside speed SOLD Timid Delphox 31speed 31spatk Adamant Azurill 31speed 30atk Huge power Happy bidding
  5. 1m4 Edit : I think the auction ended already mb
  6. Username: SilverAge Server: Silver Country/Timezone: Gmt+2
  7. 800k on glameow (I have the money on gold server)
  8. WTB the following pokés : Careful Excadrill Mold breaker 20+ Jolly Luxray Guts 31speed 20+ Shiny Shinx or evo, I don't care about stats/nature/abi If indicated, the poké has to be max speed. If the poké is not 20+ but has ivs near like 16+ then it also works. If you are from Silver server, I can transfer.
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