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Everything posted by Mangkitw

  1. Sold in game
  2. 600k oshawott and 600k chespin
  3. Re: Some pokes <t>1.5m tyrunt</t>
  4. Re: Some pokes <t>400k tyrunt, how long is the auction</t>
  5. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) ♦ <t>it's me, some stranger in yellow sever XD</t>
  6. sold sold auction start once someone bid for that poke, and it will remain 48 hours.
  7. yes, i will buy it, please save it for me because I am at work right now >.> okay bro i will save it ^_^ have u checked the evs and the price? yea, isn't it 250k? the ev is perfectly fine for me tho
  8. yes i still got it would u like to buy it? yes, i will buy it, please save it for me because I am at work right now >.>
  9. wtb bronzong if you still have it
  10. is the budew still available?
  11. rip, did i just miss the auction after a day of work T.T
  12. Re: Wts epic h.a heracross <t>3.5m then</t>
  13. Re: Wts epic h.a heracross <t>So the c.o. Now is 3m4 or 3m8 now?</t>
  14. Re: Wts epic h.a heracross <t>Offer 3 m</t>
  15. Re: Wts epic h.a heracross <r>2m <E>:confused:</E> <E>:confused:</E> <E>:confused:</E></r>
  16. Hope I can get one of them XD
  17. bump bump
  18. b.o : 500k insta: 700k b.o: 700k insta: 1.2m auction start 24h when someone bid
  19. Of course it is yellow XD
  20. I am offering 1m-1.5m to buy an epic jolly buizel, swift swim. Thx
  21. Just to be here and bump for this :D
  22. The world that Ash lives, catch good pokes, steal all his girls and travel around to different regions with my pokes
  23. Yay another giveaway lol
  24. Wtb epic implish chespin, I can pay up to 1m or 1.5m depends on how good it is.
  25. How? Slow king hat is ugly as hell ( in my point of view) I think magikarp is the best?
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