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Everything posted by Mangkitw

  1. Re: LIMBO GUILD SHOP [Over 100 lvl 100 pokes] <t>sry, I might have to cancel my offer on Lapras, but I still bidding for other pokes</t>
  2. I think Turtor heaven should add a computer so that we can switch to the pokemon that you want to learn moves. Since the CD of Thor is 6 days, once we made a mistake, that will cause lots of time
  3. Re: LIMBO GUILD SHOP [Over 100 lvl 100 pokes] <t>i start 69 Lapras, 91 Excadrill, 99 Feraligatr, 56 Blissey, 59 Granbull</t>
  4. Re: LIMBO GUILD SHOP [Over 100 lvl 100 pokes] <t>show me what you got :P</t>
  5. Re: wts 2 pokes <t>bump again, changed a poke</t>
  6. 120k for the eevee that I bid
  7. I'm still waiting to hear from seller about it as well. I might insta you need to start offer, then i start auction... yea, i am starting that eevee 100k
  8. Can I start lv 25 bold eevee with Id ends 422?
  9. I can't even see your image lol
  10. Re: wts 2 pokes <t>bump :S :S</t>
  11. I totally agree with sever swap if possible, because the piplulation in yellow sever is pretty low compare to blue or red, I would like to swap to other sever without restarting this game. But the problems is how the staffs do if people who played multi sever within that one account
  12. Start 400k for crawdaunt
  13. sold in game sold to magnet1211 auction start once someone bid, and will be end in 48 hours each bid needs to be least 50k
  14. Re: WTS GODRA EPIC <t>Start 1.5m</t>
  15. Re: WTS epic Tentacruel <t>start 300k then</t>
  16. aw adaline you are going to blue? :( i want your pawniard but i have nothing in blue XD
  17. WTB epic Adament or implish Karrablast all ivs 20+ except s.atk. i can pay good. :Grin:
  18. I am still waiting for staffs to make the clothes that kagawa boss wearing to become a cash item :S. Please make it happen :Grin:
  19. 350k for the poke
  20. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) ♦ <r>Yellow sever ftw <E>:Smile:</E> <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  21. Re: wts adament munchlax <r><QUOTE author="ChuluS2" post_id="411579" time="1500153173" user_id="1118978"><s> </e></QUOTE> 47 hours left</r>
  22. Sold to tcaesar00
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