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  1. close
  2. +1 I send sugerence in forum
  3. Is necessary add now the command memberlist and inspect because the leader guild can see all members what need up ranking pvp
  4. Add me dc zyncronia#3350 because is more easy coordination trade
  5. @springhow i won? I remember what you said other people push more 300k
  6. Start Bid : 2M Min raise : 200k Insta : 5M Auction ends 48 hrs after the Start offer is met. (HRS GMT-4 / CHILE) CC: 380k Reroll iv: 750k Reroll nature: 375k Rc: no accept IGN: Zyncro Discord: Zyncronia#3350
  7. I understand, i needed send poke to he judge, but send other, me error
  8. Capture en el bug catching un pokemon con 148 ivs, tengo 1800 hr jugadas mas de 300 evo y aun asi no me deja ir por genesect. Hice algo mal o algun bug o algo?
  9. I think that the guild island is well designed, I would change the probability of changing the element (rain, sand, trick room, etc.) that of the 100% of changing it is divided in each zone in such a way that there is a greater probability that the This island is in constant change, this is because in the last 15 days, 5 days were trick rooms and there are some that do not appear yet. So my idea is that there is no 12% to change or not, if not that each theme has its probability, for example each theme has a 15% of appearing regardless of which one is currently
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