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Everything posted by Paulwg

  1. Is this guide still being updated? I just found a heat rock that was held by a wild pokemn.
  2. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ UPDATED [8/7/16] <t>For defense EVs you should add koffing at Celadon city water. It's very common there.</t>
  3. @bbz306 Even if my comment is much later, since the prices haven't been updated on this guide to reflect the current prices of today then it's a good thing i said something because if a new player were to read this thread they might believe these prices are the same now. So i'm glad i corrected it just in case a new players comes later and reads this guide.
  4. and i also wish when we did sort by alphabet or level it didnt just sort alphabetical for each individual page. For example instead of it doing page 1 and 2 are all letter a page 2 letter b, page 3 and 4 letter c etc., it does page 1 abcdefg, page 2 abcdefg, etc. i think thats a bad way to sort things and it still forces me to have to look through every page still to find the pokemon i want if i'm using the alphabetical sorting system. Same problem when you sort by level. Instead of doing pages 1-3 level 1, page 4 and 5 level 2, etc. it does page 1 levels 1-100, page 2 1-100 etc. I don't like that kind of sorting.
  5. More options for our Pokemon Storage <t>I was thinking it'd be great if we could also have a sort by nature and a sort by ability option in our pokemon storage. What do you think? Or maybe you could put a special symbol or marking on the pokemon's profile in storage so that we can tell what nature it is easily just by looking at it. That way we dont have to click every single pokemon to see what nature it has. This is a bigger problem for sellers i think because they have a huge collection to sort through when they see there's a buyer. natu sellers for example might have dozens of natu ready but have to click each one to find the one with the right nature when a buyer appears. It would just make things much more organized and easy for players if we had these options or at least a mark/symbol on the pokemon profile to tell it apart fast and easily.</t>
  6. Make that 9 pokestops found so far :) I just found this pokestop on route 45 at the entrance to the Dark Cave. So far these are all the pokestops that we've found: 1. In Violet City, near the entrance to Sprout Tower. (x:42 y:12) 2. On route 32, where you enter the union cave. (x:11 Y:139) 3. In Azalea Town, on the way to the slowpoke well. (x:49 y:16) 4. In ilex forest (x:6 y:72) 5. At the national park (x:42 y:25) 6. In Ecruteak City, near the Burned Tower entrance. (x:20 y:10) 7. In Olivine City, near the Lighthouse. (x46 y:33) 8. At the lake of rage (x:44 y:48) 9. On route 45 by the dark cave entrance (x:9 y:6)
  7. Did you look inside the trash can in the kitchen of the ss anne. There should be one in there for you. You can also find them in random places around Kanto. Just walk up to the plant and pick the fruit and if you're lucky it will be a pecca berry. You can also ask on help chat and maybe someone will be nice and give you one of theirs for free.
  8. Which server do you play on? I play on the blue server and from what i've seen 100 coins aren't worth 400-500k. Membership for example costs 100 coins but i often see it in trade chat for 1.1-1.2 million. It's very very rare that I see membership in trade chat for any less than that price. Regular mounts cost around 500k-600k and shiny mounts sell for 1-1.2 million on trade chat. The prices you're showing are how it used to be way back in the past i guess but right now I don't see those prices that you're showing in trade chat. If you don't believe me just log-in and look for yourself. Unless the prices are much lower on red and yellow server than they are on blue. " selling 3 MS for 300k in 1 hour has bigger profit than selling 1 MS for 700k in 1 day)" I wouldn't call spending $15 for 300k making a bigger profit than spending $5 to make 700k. Even spending $30 dollars for 600k would get you less profit than $5 for 700k. Your dollar would have much less value. Also not everyone wants to spend hundreds of dollars on a video game to get rich with pokemoney so they are willing to be patient and wait a day or so to get the maximum pokemoney for their hard earned real life money spent.
  9. Re: Super Repel not working <t>nvm i think it's because i had my low level pokemon as the lead party poke and repel only works vs weak pokemon so since he was the lead pokemon it wasnt working since they are stronger than he was. Once i switched my level 100 gyrados as the lead poke i didnt get attacked anymore.</t>
  10. Super Repel not working on route 19. I'm still getting attacked by pokemon.
  11. I was thinking it would be nice to be able to move around your items in your backpack so that you can find your favorite items more easily. Right now it's alphabetical which is okay but how about giving players the option to create custom item backpacks too. For example, lets say I'm leveling my pokemon and the only items i'm spamming are potions. I'd like the potion to be at the very top so i can grab it in seconds and not have to scroll down looking for it.
  12. So right now if you want to message someone you can right click on their character or on their name in chat or on your friend's list but if that's not an option for you for some reason then you'll have to use the command: /pm playerName1-=-playerName2 I suggest something maybe a little more simple than this, though. How about using just "/pm username" or maybe "/w username". W standing for whisper. What do you think? Good idea or not? Thanks for listening!
  13. Re: Boss guide [Lite] [update 2016-11-17] <t>some things you can add to this guide is for vs Lance requirement it doesnt say anything about needing to have a dragon club membership before the Dragonite will move out of the way so you can battle Lance. For the jessie and james boss battle it says you need a level 100 pikachu but i fought them without a level 100 pikachu. Brock and Chuck i got more rewards than what they show here also. Maybe it's a first time beating them reward but it should be added here just so the guide is more complete. Chuck said something about getting a discount or whatever i think after beating him. I didn't pay much attention to it but yeah that's not shown in this guide either as a reward. There might be more mistakes but i havent fought all these bosses yet so I can't say for sure.</t>
  14. My suggestion is allowing players to release pokemon anywhere in the game and not just at the pc station. Maybe put a tiny trash can symbol at the bottom left or right of the screen and we can drag any pokemon we don't want in there. This would be especially helpful option to have when farming for pokemon that way we can see right away if we won the type that we wanted by clicking it in our party list. We wouldn't be able to do that if trash pokemon are in our party because we couldn't release them. Just an idea. Thanks for listening!
  15. Make a permanent repel cash item that you can have one of your pokemon hold and as long as they are the lead pokemon in your party and they have this item equipped you won't be attacked by any wild pokemon. If you want to fight pokemon again later you can just unequip the item. Easy. I'm sure a ton of people would buy this item so it would be a great way for you to make money too. Thanks for listening!
  16. How about adding a guild recruitment channel and a price check for pokemon channel? I know what people will say, "just use all chat or whatever." but i noticed a lot of the time people who use all chat will completely ignore these kind of questions. So if we had a channel that's just for price checks and guild recruitment then only the people who are interested in those kind of things would be there and those who break the rules can be kicked out of channel or muted. Also it would be much less clutter that way to sort though than using all chat. Just an idea. Thanks for listening!
  17. okay i understand about rare candy not tradable. it makes sense that you want people to level normally and to actually work a bit but can you make it so we can sell it to the item maniac for 15k each then? that way free players still have that source of money. I think a lot of people are upset because rare candy was such a big way for free players to make money and now it's gone. I don't really feel bad for the people who bought rc because they are paying to win but for the free players this hurt them big time because one of the best ways for them to earn pokemoney is gone now.
  18. hmm i just thought of a solution to rc not being tradable. Make rare candies sellable to the item maniac for 15k each. That way free players can still profit from them. The only reason for you not to do this if you want free players to stay poor and to struggle. Pay to win games are hated by most people and those games usually end up dying. Please don't forget that. Thanks!
  19. hmm i just thought of a solution to rc not being tradable. Make rare candies sellable to the item maniac for 15k each. That way free players can still profit from them. The only reason for you not to do this is if your reason is that you want free players to stay poor. Pay to win games are hated by most people. Please don't forget that. Thanks!
  20. Removing rare candy makes this game more pay to win because now free players can't make money as easily and cash players can just sell membership and cash items for money. Now free players wont have the money to buy pokemon and other good things. This game is becoming more pay to win which is sad. Also it's very annoying how they say we have a good reason for removing rare candies but we won't tell you what that reason is. Seriously? Why can't we know the reason? Is it because the reason is greed or something that will make the people in charge look bad? Why not tell us the reason? If the reason is because you want us to spend more money selling cash items to get pokemoney then you might actually end up losing money that way because some players refuse to sell cash items for pokemoney but they do spend cash on fashion items and mounts but if they are always poor they might just quit the game and then you won't have those people who spend cash on fashion items now meaning you are losing money. Making your playerbase unhappy is a good way to lose players and a game eventually dying. Don't just cater to cash players because if you do that then who are the cash players going to sell cash items(memberships, fashion items, mounts) too? The free players will have quit the game because money is to hard to make and then the cash players won't have any customers so they will stop buying cash items to sell to free players. You guys need to think harder about making your decisions. This wasn't a smart move on your part.
  21. A lot of beginner players don't realize this and they end up evolving their pokemon to max early on and then they struggle for the rest of the game to level it up and sometimes even dump it because of how long it's taking. I think this should be changed. We shouldn't be punished for evolving our pokemon. This kills the fun a little for some players because they're excited to see their pokemon evolve but they are forced to wait till like level 98 or 99 to evolve it unless they are willing to level much slower than players who didn't evolve their poke yet.
  22. My pokemon can't hold rare candy anymore. Is this a bug? If it's intentional then how are free players supposed to make money now? selling rc was one of the best ways to earn pokemoney.
  23. It says in the "Read this before making a suggestion thread" that teleporters exist to as a workaround to avoid npc rebattles. The thing is though the subway charges us $2,500 every time we want to go to another city and even more if we want to go to another region so it's not something that we can use that often or we will become poor fast. So eventually we are going to be forced to fight those npcs and rebattle them because we will start to run out of money from taking the subway all the time. That's why it should be free if your intention is really to help us avoid battling npcs. HM Fly in the video games was free so it makes sense that the subway should be free as well. If that's not okay with you then I would be willing to pay for a cash item to get unlimited subway/teleporter use with no charge ever again or maybe just a large one time fee of pokemoney for a lifetime membership card to use the subway/teleporters as much as i want without paying another pokedollar for it.
  24. nice guide. you forgot to mention where to find the pulsies and that you need to talk to them when they are close to the rods.
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